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Laura began a thorough cleaning of her house when she got back from the airport. She put on some worship collection and began the chore. She swept, vacuumed, shined, dusted and replaced mats, bed spreads and finally began making snacks to feed a family of ten. She baked, fried and cooked. By the time she was done, she was tired but she continued her plan which was to finally meet her mothers and pack some of the meals and snacks for them. She won't stay long, just drop off the food and come back home.

Latoya was fast asleep by the time Laura arrived. She met David and his wife there just about to prepare dinner.

"You are a God sent sis. I really didn't have the heart or will to cook."

"That's okay sis in law. I will be going back now."

"Lauretta, why don't you move in with us? Mum needs you now more than ever before."

Laura smiled and replied, "I am at this point a blessing and a curse to her. Seeing me would be bittersweet for her. I can't bear to look her in the eye because of the guilt eating me up inside. Is it a crime now to adopt helpless children? Is it a crime to want to give love to others who are hurting? As much as we are to love without expectations, is it right that love should hurt so excruciatingly? Let me live alone and bear whatever is to come."

"Lauretta! I am your big brother and I am ordering you to remain here. We don't hate you. The Moabe family might hate you but we love you with every fiber of our being!"

Laura suddenly threw herself in her brother's arms and wept aloud, releasing all the bottled up tension of the past weeks.

"Mum still loves you and I do too. It wasn't your fault that Phillip lost his way."

"Lauretta." Latoya called out to her from the staircase.

Laura broke away from the hug and ran to be with her mother. The two cried and held each other tightly.

Latoya led her to the master's bedroom and they sat down on a large red leather sofa David bought his parents a couple of years back. Latoya had lost a considerable amount of weight and looked really weary. Latoya gently moved away a little and bend down to lie down, placing her head on Laura's lap.

They remained silent, each having nothing to say to the other. Latoya's hair was in a messy bun so Laura excused herself and got up. She walked up to her mother's dresser and got her set of comb and a thick white fabric ribbon. She sat back down and motioned for her mother to sit close. She untied the ribbon and began to comb the long brown hair gently. She used the white ribbon to make a neat bun and she gently helped her mother to place her head back on her lap.

"Who sat and watched my infant head, when sleeping on a cradle bed. And tears of sweet affection shed? My Mother."

Laura began to sing softly to her mother and gently rubbed her hair rhythmically. From there she sang to her mother, "From the moon and back" by Dolly Parton.

"No one else in the world can love you like I do Mama and no one else can love me as you do. This is not goodbye but to tell you that my heart is always with you."

By this time, Latoya had fallen back asleep and so Laura stood up gently, resting her mother's head gently on the sofa. She dialed David's number,

"I'm leaving. Please come and stay with Mama."

Laura sighed deeply and walked out after hugging her brother goodbye. She was not looking forward to their next meeting because she knew it would not be under pleasant circumstances.

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