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Few months had passed since the attack on the Rakwela family. Philip was healing steadily and was on a prolonged sick leave. The fear had almost vanished from their hearts and even Laura was steadily putting the past behind her and growing closer to Brandon. The most dramatic change was about to happen. She has been attending church services at Brandon's church regularly and she had come to a conclusion that enough was enough. She was done with feeling sorry for herself and will embrace whatever happiness that comes her way. Brandon has shown her that much.

Laura smiled brightly on a Sunday morning as she prepared to go with Brandon to church again. She wore a mustard yellow summer dress and matching yellow sandals and brown handbag. She applied her lip gloss, smacked her lips together and walked to the door to wait for him outside. But as usual, Brandon beat her to it. He was already knocking. She smiled brightly and opened the door.

"Good morning sunshine." He greeted her with a hug.

"Morning." She replied with a smile.

"Let's go."

"It is only a fool that embarks on the journey to eternity without giving his life to Jesus first. We have just on life to live. Because man is destined to die once then face judgment. Brethren, examine yourself this morning. Are your ways straight before the Lord? Are you praying and at the same time paying visits to fortune tellers and witch doctors? Are you evangelizing and at the same time treating others with contempt and hatred? Remember, God is not looking for perfect people; He is a loving father that does not delight in the destruction of anyone. No one is worth hating in your heart to lose your relationship with God over it. This blessed morning, let us look deep within ourselves and asked the Lord to restore us to Himself. Ask Him to forgive all our unrighteousness and give us a brand new beginning." The Caucasian pastor lifted his hands up and declared,

"If you would like to give your life to Jesus or re-dedicate your life to Him, come now...not tomorrow because it might be too late. Come just as you are. He loves you. He needs you. He adores you. Come now and be reconciled back to God."

Laura would have felt anger and even pride that she had right to feel hatred and live the rest of her life nursing it but she was truly tired and wanted the peace and love Brandon has. It was now or never; the time has come to embrace a new life...a new beginning. She was ready to love again and receive love...the greatest love of all; The love of God. Steadily she got up from her seat and walked towards the altar. Brandon watched in gratitude as he saw the answer to his prayers manifesting right in front of his eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes and he too stood up, he will give her all the support she might need.

When he got to the spot where she knelt crying her heart out to God, he got down on his knees and held her hand. She moved closer to him and grabbed his other hand as the pain of over two decades begin to depart from her heart and soul. More tears fell down her eyes while he held hr hands tightly. That moment felt so precious; Brandon holding her hands, the heavens rejoicing because her soul was finally saved and the peace that surrounded her, enveloping her in a loving warmth she could not explain. Her heart felt light and right at that moment. As the rest of the congregation prayed along with the pastor, Laura knew that a brand new journey had just began.

Hours later, Brandon took her out for dinner to celebrate her new life. As they waited for their order to arrive, he took out a gift bag and handed it to her.

"What's the occasion?" She asked,

"Happy birthday. You became born again today," He said happily.

"Of course! Thank you." She smiled and began to open the content of the bag. She neatly untied the white ribbon on the pink box before her. She smiled even more brighter as she realised what it was; a Holy Bible.

"It's beautiful Brandon. Thank you so much." Her eyes were shining with delight.

"I know you have a Bible app but nothing beats your very own hard copy of God's word. Take a look in the bag." Laura obeyed and found a six pack highlighter of different colours, three pens and a journal.

"You can record whatever revelation God shows you as you read His word."

"Oh Brand! You are the best!" She said happily and stood up to hug him.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, after God...He brought you just for me; I am truly grateful for his relentless love and yours too." She went back to her seat and giddily checked out her gifts.

Brandon watched as her eyes danced in excitement and joy. This was the person he wanted her to be; a person free from pain, fear and shame of the past. For the first time since he met her, he saw the real Laura; a child who just wanted nothing but love and family.

"Thank you Lord for this victory. The journey was not easy but she is now yours forever and nothing can change that in Jesus' name."

Wonderful and patient readers...thank you so much for your support for this story. it has been really hard to get out of the rot I was stuck in but from now on thing will change by God's grace. Hope you like this chapter and will continue this journey with the Laura and may surprises awaits so keep reading. Thank you once again.

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