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The pain didn't go away but persisted. By the time it was nightfall, Laura felt she was rolled up in a ball of pain. Her body ached from the chest area to her legs. Her breathing became irregular and beads of sweat decorated her forehead, slowly falling down her face. She felt her throat and lips dry and her entire body felt light and heavy at the same time. She felt helpless and disoriented. She was in and out of consciousness, dreaming about what her mind could only label as "meaningless."

Her phone was on the night stand by the bed but she felt too weak to reach out for it and call for help. She felt her heart constrict and tighten so hard as if it would choke life out of her. But it also came with a lot of pain.

I'm dying.

Tears welled up in her eyes and fell down her face. Every breath she took sent pain shocks all over her body.

I can't take this pain anymore. Lord, are you calling me home?

She heard His voice clearly.

Do not be afraid, I am with you. I will help you and uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Brandon came out of the taxi with his small luggage and walked to his gate. He wanted to surprise his wife and take her out to dinner just to get her mind off things and spend quality time with her. He pressed the doorbell, once...fourth time and no response came from inside. He dialed his wife's phone but it rang and rang without response.

He decided to rummage through his bag and take out his own key. He opened the gate and got inside. He was surprised to find the front door unlocked and even more shocked to be welcomed by an eerie silence.

"Lauretta, darling." He called out her name and saw the bowl of grapes on the table. He felt something was amiss. He called out to her again and walked to their bedroom.

His knees nearly buckled in fright as he saw the motionless Laura under the covers. He dropped his bag and rushed to her. Panic overwhelmed him as he saw how deathly pale she looked.

"Darling, can you hear me? Lauretta, what's going on?"

No response came.

He checked for her pulse and was relieved to find it. He quickly checked her temperature and listened for her heartbeat. He got up and rushed to the shelf where they keep their car keys, grabbed his and rushed out to park the car very close to the house. He got out in a rush with the passenger door opened, got back inside and carried her out inside. He felt her light weight and was stricken by guilt at how much weight she must have lost.

"Hang in there darling, you are alright."

He drove out of their home headed to the hospital to get his wife the medical help that she needed. As he drove closer to the hospital, his heart beat faster with each glance at the unconscious Laura. He prayed he was not too late. He shouldn't have left her by herself for such a long period. What kind of a husband does that?

Laura, I promise this would never happen again, please hang in there. I'm sorry for abandoning you when you needed me the most. Please stay alive my darling.

David and Latoya rushed into the hospital as if pursued by a rabid dog. When they laid their eyes on Brandon at the visitors' area, they stopped in their tracks because they were not aware he was back.

"What happened to my baby Brandon? What happened to her?" Latoya shouted at the top of her lungs.

Brandon wiped away the tears that were suddenly falling down his face.

"Speak Brandon!" David said firmly.

"I found her home already unconscious. I'm sorry." He turned away and sat down crying by himself.

Latoya ignored the prying eyes of the other visitors and walked over to Brandon. She was boiling inside with rage at the man who dared called himself a "son in law".

"Meet me outside." She commanded and walked out briskly into the dark night.

What are your thoughts so far about the direction the story has taken? Stay blessed.

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