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Laura smiled brightly as she walked towards her dormitory. She just came back from eating lunch with Brandon. Almost everyday he sends her a scripture from the Holy Bible to encourage her. Today's encouragement came from the book of Psalms 139 verse 14, it talked about how she is wonderfully and fearfully made by God. She had sat down after lunch with him and read the entire chapter. It made her aware that God knows everything about her but her favourite part was verse 19,

"If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty!" She silently wished this over all that had made her life a living hell and tainted her soul. She was about to get to the entrance her dorm when a familiar voice called her name. She turned around and who else would it be if not for the beautiful Prisca. Laura forced a smile as she was jealous that the latter has made more memories with Brandon than herself.

"Are you jealous?" She heard a voice in her mind ask.

"Why should I be?" She replied sharply.

Prisca walked towards her and smiled once she reached where she stood.

"Prisca hi." She managed to say.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure. Let us go to my room."

"Great idea."

After Prisca looked around and finally settled for a cup of coffee, she stared directly at Laura.

"Is everything okay?" Prisca was in truth angry at her. How could she come to take Brandon away from her?

"Brandon is a complete gentleman right? He used to do all these things for me too; flowers, breakfast, lunch and even dinner."

"You are telling me because..."

"I just wanted to remind you that we both came a long way and I don't want you to come between us."

Laura stared her down and slowly stood up,

"Don't come here claiming territory Prisca! He did those things for me out of the goodness of his heart so if you feel threatened, there's nothing I can do about it." She said quickly and folded her arms across her chest.

Prisca too stood up and glared hard at her.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Don't threaten me Prisca! If you are truly a woman, you will seat back and let him make his choice instead of playing dirty games like a rich fool bored with their ever increasing bank account and spending it on useless things. Back off!"

"You are not even his type!"

"let him be the judge of that. Goodbye Prisca."

"I love Brandon! I always have!"

"Well, love should be sincere. What you are displaying right now is obsession and possessiveness, not true love. I know you go to church so check whether your behavour right now is Christ-like."

Prisca was speechless and decided to take her leave before she acts out of character. Laura smiled and was about to give herself a mental pat on the back when her phone began to buzz. She looked at the caller ID, it was her mother.

"Dumela Mama." She greeted cheerfully. She immediately felt sad and anxious as she could hear her mother sobbing.

"Mama, what is wrong? What has happened?"

"Your brother Phillip was attacked at his workplace and he's in the hospital."

"Who would do such a thing?" She asked in shock although she wanted to celebrate it.

"Not only that, his car was wrecked and even worse, someone sprayed nasty words on your Father's car."

"What kind of words?" She asked in a shaky voice. She would hate if anything bad happen to any of her parents.

"Fool, bad parent and worse of all, coward."

"Why would anyone attack our family?"

"I don't know what's happening. We are all in shock."

"How is Phillip doing now?" She asked dutifully.

"He's all swollen up and in terrible pain." An uncomfortable silence ensued after a while, Laura said,

"I will pray for our family Mum as I always do."

"Please take care of yourself and I will keep you updated."

"Alright Mum. Love you."

Questions ran through her mind. What was happening? Is someone aware of what happened to her and is fighting for her? Is this what God meant when He said "vengeance is mine?" She sat down and sighed deeply. She was happy about Phillip's attack but she became deeply worried about why he was really targeted. 

Unknown to her, life has just become even more complicated.

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