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For years she had thought she would grow old and die alone. Brandon Holmes changed all that and gave her new hope in God. She felt dirty no matter how much God's word says she is a new creation. The fact that her biological mother could have prevented the entire Phillip fiasco but failed to do so made her blood boil. She would have been the perfect bride and wife for him but now all that has been taken away. She was healing on the inside but not at the pace she wanted. Some days were better than others ad today seem to be the worst so far.

By the time she got home her parents were already fast asleep. She walked into her room and broke down into fresh tears.

"Lord, I know you love me as I am but I hate myself. I hate what I have done to four innocent children. I am haunted by the brutal nights that Phillip endlessly defiled me. I feel so filthy, please cleanse me all over again."

She wept before God bitterly and slept off on the floor.

Latoya woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and felt the urge to see her daughter. Something didn't seem right at all. Her heart ached suddenly and she got out of bed and quickly rushed out of her bedroom. She switched on the lights of the passageway and rushed to her daughter's bedroom. She knocked twice and no answer came. She slowly turned the door's handle and the door opened.

What a relief.

The lights were on and Lauretta was sprawled on the floor as if lifeless. Quickly Latoya ran towards her and knelt beside her.

"Lauretta. Lauretta." She cried frantically. The latter opened her eyes and rubbed it gently.

"Mama. What is the matter?"

"You scared me!!! I thought something bad had happened to you." She said with concern.

Lauretta bust into fresh tears as she saw the worried look on her mother's face.

"Mama, let us call off the wedding."

"Jesus Christ!!! Lauretta! Baby, tell me what is wrong. Let us sit down first." Latoya stood up and helped Lauretta up too. They sat at the edge of the latter's bed.

"Why are you talking like this?" She asked with a deep frown on her face.

"I am unworthy to be his wife. I am filthy and not worth much."

Latoya sighed and said a silent "thank you" to God for waking her up at such a crucial time. In a month's time, the Bride Price will be paid and few weeks later the wedding ceremony will be done.

"Lauretta, you are a child of God. He loves you and wants the best for you. Please accept that love. You have a family and that is a sign of God's love." She sighed and then continued,

"Lauretta, is it that time of the month?"

Laura looked at her mother and busted into laughter. Her mother too joined in and gave her a hug.

"It is okay to have cold feet. I hope you are not having dreams about Moloi again."

"No Mama. I just feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of love I have been receiving. I am just amazed and wondered when it will be taken away."

"God gives and sometimes He takes away but one thing He doesn't take back is His love. Never forget that."

Laura smiled brightly and remained in her mother's embrace. Her fear was how she would confess her past with Phillip to her husband to be. Would he still want to marry her once he hears everything? Especially the part about the abortions.

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