Burning Brightly (Mikoto Suoh x GN!Reader)

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"Am I being honest with myself?

Is this where I'm supposed to be?

Am I really making a difference,

for something bigger than me?"

After Tatara's death, Mikoto knew that his own time was coming to an end. The death of his beloved comrade only quickened his inevitable fall, but he refused to go down until his friend's murder was just as dead. Now that it was all over? He welcomed his own death.

He didn't need Munakata's warning to know for himself that his own power will only lead to destruction. Now that Tatara's death was at last avenged, he had no qualms about renouncing his power as king, even if it meant leaving the world altogether.

"What will I leave behind?

What will they say when I die?

What is the story my life will tell,

and did I tell it with my whole heart?"

In his final moments, images of his fellow friends played like a movie in his brain. Anna, Kusanagi, Yata and most importantly, you. He could never forget you and the gorgeous smile you made whenever you saw him. He knew that his time was up, but it didn't hurt any less knowing that he'd never see any of you again.

Anna would be devastated, Kusanagi would be understanding, and Yata would be furious. But you... he didn't know how you'd react. Knowing you, most likely a combination of all three. Just the thought of you crying nearly killed him right then and there. During the short period of time you had been with everyone at HOMRA, you had already grown so close to everyone, especially Mikoto. He never realized just how much he truly cared about you until it was time for him to leave without a farewell.

"Did I live it for more than myself,

and did I live it well? Did I live it well?

If I see the door and don't walk through it,

is the blood on my hands?"

Could he hold off his death any longer just to say his final farewell to the others and yourself? It was a tempting idea, but one he knew he could never go along with. He knew that the moment he laid eyes on your innocent looking face, he could never go through with this plan of his. He'd want to run his hands through that (H/L), (H/C) hair of yours and kiss you.

Never telling you how he truly felt about you was his fatal mistake that he could never take back. He couldn't be selfish. He couldn't risk innocent people getting hurt if he prolonged his death any longer even if it meant doing something as important as seeing you just one last time.

"Tell me I'm thinking too much,

when you already have a plan.

I know I feel this way because I'm afraid,

that I won't add up to standards I create.

What will my story be?"

Like your fellow Clansmen, you only expected to finally avenge Tatara's death. Despite all the different plans and scenarios you thought of, never did you expect it would end with your beloved king's death. You knew the strain of killing another king would affect him in such horrible ways, but you hoped he would get through it. You needed him to get through it.

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