Friday Night (Fushimi x Reader x Yata) {Drabble}

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Your eyes fluttered open to come face-to-face with the chestnut-haired young man lying beside you. Yata had not yet awoken and laid there peacefully, immersed in his deep slumber. The blankets didn't do much to cover his bare chest which proudly bore the HOMRA insignia.

Almost as if in a trance, your finger traced the intricately designed mark, the contact causing his body to shift ever so slightly and mumble a few incoherent words. Despite this, he remained asleep.

A sudden kiss on your neck caused a small gasp to escape your mouth. Turning to the other side, you stared into Fushimi's bright blue hues. His head rested in one hand while his free one trailed down the side of your face to your body. His eyes flickered over to where Yata slept on the other side of you and he sighed, only for a small smile to quickly appear on his face.

"You're truly something else, [name]," he purred, placing a soft kiss on your lips.

"I just can't believe it took you that long to realize," you smirked back.

Beside you, you felt Yata rustle around before sitting up. His eyes landed on you before slowly moving over to Fushimi. At the sight of his old friend, the hot-headed boy growled under his breath.

"How fucking wasted were we last night?" he mumbled to himself before plopping back down onto the bed with his arm draped over his face.

"Relax, Misaki," Fushimi said slyly. "Even drunk I wouldn't touch you."

"Oh, shut up, Saruhiko!"

A pillow was thrown by Yata towards Fushimi which he easily slapped away. You giggled at their antics before placing a soft kiss on each of their cheeks. Almost instantly, that seemed to kill the tension between the two of them.

It was then that the three of you just laid there and stared up at the ceiling, not one regret being had over the events that took place that Friday night.

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