Glasses (Saruhiko Fushimi x Reader)

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The rays of sunlight that slipped past your closed curtains fell upon your motionless body and woke you from your slumber. Releasing a big yawn, you lazily rolled to your side and looked at the black-haired man sleeping beside you. His arm was thrown over his face, blocking his eyes and muffling his breathing.

You began to lean closer to him to place a kiss on his cheek but stopped, not wanting to disturb him. As of late, the Blue King has been working Fushimi non-stop. On some days, he was lucky enough to get just a couple hours of sleep under his belt. Despite this, he never complained. He'd trek around the whole world for the king he served even if his outer attitude spoke differently.

You carefully slipped out of bed and stretched your tired muscles. The shirt belonging to Fushimi that you were currently wearing didn't do much to cover the lower half of your body, but you didn't care. You somehow felt... More at peace whenever you wore his clothing, especially if he was off serving his king.

It wasn't until you were half-way across the room heading towards the bathroom that you noticed something. Sitting on his nightstand were his pair of glasses that he always wore. Without thinking, you picked them up and put them on before examining how you looked in the mirror.

You couldn't help but smile as you showed off your newly acquired glasses to your reflection. You even practiced pushing them up your nose in the same manner that Fushimi does; with your thumb and middle finger on either side. It was a little quirk of his that you absolutely adored.

A small yelp escaped your throat as a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind and pulled you back so his bare chest was pressed firmly against you. You giggled as Saru's lips brushed against your cheek.

"I wonder whose these are," he teased in a low voice before pulling the glasses off you and putting them on.

"But, Saruuu," you whined.

"When I go back to bed, you can wear them, [name]," he told you as he placed a kiss on your lips.

It was only intended to be a quick kiss, but you easily turned it into something more. Before he could pull away, you tangled your fingers in his hair and deepened the kiss. You could feel him smiling in the kiss, obviously pleased by your sudden action.

While one hand remained on your hip, the other slowly snaked its way up your shirt to feel every inch of your bare skin. He loved the feeling of your skin touching his. He could just lay in bed for hours doing nothing more than rubbing circles on your skin with his thumb.

Before his hand could go any higher, your hands moved to his face where you plucked the glasses off of his face and pulled away from him. It was a cunning plan, but one that was destined to fail. After all, you had barely managed to turn around with the glasses still clutched in your hand when he quickly recovered. Fushimi's hands were already around your waist and spinning you around before you could even bring the glasses near your face.

"Well, that wasn't very nice," he whispered huskily in your ear, causing shivers to run down your spine. Only his voice managed to do that. "I need to take back what's rightfully mine."

Once again, he pulled the glasses from your grip and put them back on his face. His fingers played with the hem of the shirt you were wearing before a smirk formed on his face.

"I believe this shirt is also mine, but I won't have you remove it," he told you as he licked his lips. "At least, not yet."

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