Insanity (Yandere!Saruhiko Fushimi x Reader)

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The jail cell you sat in was cold and dark. Remarkably in better condition than most, but still a horrible place for you to be in. A pang of sympathy ran through you for all the people you helped to confine in these lonely cells. They may have been thieves and murderers, but no one deserved to be confined in a place such as this one, no matter what the crime was.

What was the crime you had committed? You spent days pondering over that question. After all, it wasn't like there was much else for you to do. Was your crime turning down a crazed man? Was it ignoring him after all of his advances? Or was it dating his childhood friend? Perhaps it was all three.

Isolation was your punishment for these unknown crimes. These dull walls would drive you insane before you ever got to see the light of day again. Insanity was your preferred option over submitting to him. He could steal anything he wanted from you, but he'd never be able to touch your spirit.

The sound of a heavy, iron door being opened and shut echoed throughout Scepter Four's jail. Heavy footsteps were soon heard walking across the cement floor growing increasingly closer to you. You calmly sat on the bench in your cell already aware of who would soon appear. It's been the same man you despised each day.

Fushimi stopped walking as soon as he reached your cell. A wicked smile was stretched tight across his lips. He swiftly opened the door to your cell and walked inside with his hand resting on top of the hilt of his sword. He didn't say it directly, but you knew it was a warning. Despite how much trouble he went through to get you there, he wouldn't hesitate to cut you down if you attempted to escape.

"How's my sweetheart doing?" he asked with a hint of pride in his voice. He thought he had won. Little did he know he would never be able to win your heart.

"Better if I was out of this cell," you quipped back, keeping your tone even.

He took a seat on the bench next to you, leaving hardly any space between the two of you. His hands snaked their way up to your hair where he carefully let his hands run through it. You kept your body as still as possible as he curled your (H/L), (H/C) hair around his finger before tugging lightly.

"We both know if I let you out, you'll try leaving me again, (Y/N)," he said softly.

You didn't even bother to argue with that. It was so true that you couldn't even attempt to deny it. Blatant lies were his specialty - not yours.

"Munakata is a smart man, Saru," you told him matter-of-factly. "It won't be long until he realizes I'm missing from the ranks."

Tugging harder on your hair, he forced you to lean closer to him. You kept your eyes averted from him even when he whispered, "Oh, but he does know you're missing. Our beloved Blue King is under the influence that you're a traitor."

Your eyes grew wide in fear. "A traitor?"

"Yes. I just so happened to catch you revealing confidential information to HOMRA through Misaki Yata."

He pulled away from you and savored in your horrified expression. You pursed your lips together tightly to withhold the flurry of curses that were begging to be spoken. The thoughts of Yata you cherished were the only things keeping you sane in this place. It was painful to think of what would happen to you now.

"What will happen to him?" you asked softly.

"He's being tracked down along with the rest of HOMRA as we speak."

You clenched your hands into tight fists until blood trickled down from the cuts your fingernails left in your palms. Not that you even noticed it. Your mind was warped with anger and fear for what was sure to come. How could Munakata trust Fushimi so much that he was easily able to get away with something as horrible as this?

"How could you go this far...?" you questioned with a quavering voice. "How could you so easily betray everyone just to get what you want?"

"All I ever wanted was you and Misaki knew that! He knew that yet he stole you away from me anyway."

"I was never yours to steal in the first place."

"Well, now you are mine," he said, his laughter nearly drowning out his words. "Now you're mine and I won't let anyone ever take you away from me again."

Grabbing you by your jaw, he forced you to look at him before forcefully mashing his lips against yours. You sat still as his lips moved against yours and kept your eyes shut as you waited desperately for it to end. When he finally pulled away for air, you gathered all your strength and pushed him as far away from you as possible. He merely only seemed amused by your attempts.

"Yata kisses better than you," you spat in anger. Fushimi froze for a moment; his face completely rid of emotion. Suddenly, he moved too quick for you to even try to dodge. A painful, stinging sensation was felt on your right cheek which left you stunned. Bringing your hand up to your cheek slowly, your mind was only then able to piece together what happened. He... slapped you.

As he stood up, he pushed his glasses further up his nose before turning his back to you and walking out of the cell, careful to lock the door behind him. Before walking away, he took another glimpse at your stunned body before saying one last thing.

"You'll grow to love me eventually. After all, it's not like you'll be going anywhere else."

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