Ch 12: Mortal Remains

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Brindi, Eighth of Sund'im, 445 A'A'diel 

Jarle Rigo Iarris paused before the entrance of the royal tomb and turned to face Ther'oldo Ers, the Ambassador of Thromm. "A word of warning before we enter," he said, putting on his most sympathetic face. "You have heard the preliminary reports of what happened at Ca'd'Cel, but I am not confident that you are prepared for the sight that lies beyond this door. Tan'os Ensther did not die quickly."

Ther'oldo hailed from Blackspur, the capital city of his northern homeland and was of a Bissatiel line that had for generations bred giant men. Despite his old age, he had an impressive build and towered a full armlength over Rigo's head. He looked down at Reyza's ruler and met his gaze. His impassive blue eyes did not reveal the turmoil that brewed in his heart. "The Vise of Reyza was slain in his home while defending it against thieves. One thug is dead, and the other escaped, presumably after kidnapping Avaren Ensther. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that is—accurate." Rigo shrank from the Northman's stare. "However, the evidence points to a brutal struggle, one that has left the Vise's mortal remains in a frightful state."

Ther'oldo's gaze did not waver. "Like Tan'os, I am a son of Thromm. We are not weak-hearted people who spill our stomachs at the sight of gore. Open this door, let us proceed."

Rigo nodded to one of the guards in his entourage. The soldier stepped forward, unhooked a key ring from his belt and unlocked the sepulcher. The scent of camphor, incense, and herbal oils filled the hall as he pushed open the door.

Inside the royal tomb, walls of polished stone rose in graceful sweeps to a domed vault. Larger than life statues of Reyza's former rulers circled the perimeter of the chamber. The serene sentinels stood with their heads bowed to the platters they held in their hands. Upon the discs, urns of gold inlaid with precious stones immured the ashes of the deceased. In the center of the room, above a catafalque of clean, understated design hung a brass chandelier whose ever-burning elemental flames illuminated the corpse of Tan'os Ensther. The golden light was diffused by the smoke of several censers which hovered about the body like a mist.

Rigo withdrew a silk kerchief and held it to his nose to guard against the fumes. "Apologies for the scent. Although I have retained the very best undertakers to embalm the body, they are not accustomed to the funerary practices of the North. Reyzan custom does not allow for the preservation of corpses." Rigo gestured for Ther'oldo to enter. "After you, Ambassador."

Ther'oldo ducked under the door and approached the slab. Tan'os lay on his back, hands at his sides. He was naked save for a modest length of black silk draped over his hips. In death, his skin had become almost translucent from the loss of blood which appeared to be caused by numerous gaping gashes.

The oils the embalmers had used in their efforts to mask the scent of death, had only partially succeeded. The nauseating stench of dead meat filled the room.

Ther'oldo did not turn to look at Rigo as he addressed him; instead, he forced himself closer to the body, bending down to examine the gaping wounds. The multiple stab wounds denoted an almost rabid frenzy on behalf of Tan'os' murderers. "The Vise appears not to have been slain, so much as butchered," Ther'oldo said. "Are you certain this was a robbery and not an assassination?"

Rigo remained by the tomb's entrance, handkerchief to his nose. "It is still early in the investigation, but the testimony of the surviving guards points to betrayal and theft. It appears that the Zincari Captain made a deal with the thieves and allowed them access to the villa."

Ther'oldo leaned forward and studied the bulging tendons that distorted Tan'os' face. "I would speak with these witnesses myself."

"Of course. However, I am told the inquisitors are still prising information from them. My men are skilled at what they do, but it may take days before we know all the facts. I have assigned Lord Justiciar Poldar Tsardon to lead the investigation personally. I shall ensure you receive a full copy of his report upon your return."

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