»Chapter One« "The bills are getting too high."

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Author's Note// I said I'd write a book, so here's the first chapter! If I randomly update any chapters, it's because I'm fixing mistakes (: Please comment, vote, and share my story with others! Enjoy <3//


He stood over me, and shook his head. I noticed he was writing something in a book that was in his hands, he seemed stressed judging by the tired look in his eyes. Why is he here? Looking around the room, it was mostly white and stained yellow in some areas. I realized, I'm in a hospital.

I tried to get up, yet I couldn't move, I felt frozen. My fingers twitched a little, and the doctor noticed with a surprised look. He shouted for someone and my parents rushed into the room, eyes filled with tears. "Mom? Dad?" I murmured as I tried to sit up. I made it a bit higher than the first try, but I still felt awfully weak.

"I'm so sorry Ayla! You fell off the balcony doing god knows what, and luckily landed in a bush. Thank goodness you're alive!" My mom cried, her body shaking with every sob as she clung onto me.

My dad and I were never very close, so he looked out of place just standing there. He clearly didn't know what to say, yet his eyes welled up with tears as well. I caught his eye, and he looked away shamefully as he wiped his tears. My dad walked up to me and hugged me, I couldn't hug back. "I'm so sorry Ayla, I wish I was there to prevent it."

"It's not your fault," I replied, I was busy thinking about my fall. I remembered a hand pushing me, yet they're saying I simply fell? No way, someone pushed me.

I looked to the door, and saw a boy my age watching us. He has dark hair, and leaned against the door with his hands in his pockets. No one else noticed him.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly, and he smirked as if he knew something I didn't.

"Doctor? Why won't she move?" My mom asked while glancing over at me nervously. I tuned them out, and I opened my mouth to say something, but he winked and walked off. That was weird.

"She was thrashing around in her sleep, and she could have made her injuries worse so we had to temporarily paralyze her. The effects should end in 10-15 minutes," He answered calmly.

I realized I was able to move a little more, so I pushed myself up. Leaning against the pillow, I looked down at my stomach and saw I had bandages on my ribs, I probably broke them. Not only did I break my ribs, I also broke my left foot, which was in a cast, and my left arm that was also in a bulky cast. Other than that, I only had bandages just about everywhere, such as my right ankle, right wrist, head, and left thigh.

I heard my parents whispering about something in a corner, and I took the opportunity and asked the doctor, "When can I go home?"

He smiled at me, and replied with, "Maybe a week or two. As soon as you begin feeling better, you can go home. For now I think that it'd be best for you to remain here a little longer because of a couple issues that have to be looked at."

Issues, meaning problems. I have more problems that he has to look at. "What issues?"

He sighed and placed his book down. "We did a CAT Scan, and noticed there was something wrong in your brain. You're supposed to be in a coma right now, yet you've awoken. You were supposed to be paralyzed from the waist down, but you're not. And, you should be having major headaches, but you seem fine. So we need to look into that."

That was a lot to take in, my parents had stopped whispering midway and began to listen. At that moment, I saw the bags under their eyes, the wrinkles in their clothes, and the casual yawns that escaped their mouth often. All because of me.

"Actually, she seems fine. I think we're gonna take her home." My dad cleared his throat, trying to sound sure of himself. My mom nodded.

The doctor sighed. "Okay. You just have to sign these papers first." He handed them a couple papers.

My dad signed everything as quick as he could, and soon enough they had me in a wheelchair, being wheeled to the car. My dad lifted me onto the car seat, and got in the front seat, my mom joined him in the passenger seat, and we were set.

I leaned against the car door as he drove, and shut my eyes. They thought I was asleep, and they began talking.

"We had to take her because the bills were getting too high," My dad whispered, he sounded frustrated.

"What if we made the wrong choice?" My mom asked nervously.

"It's for the best." My dad ended it.

If I didn't fall, we wouldn't be worrying about bills and such, but it's not on me. If I were to tell them, would they believe me? Did that boy know anything?

"Someone pushed me."

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