»Chapter Eleven« "I knew."

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I heard voices. Not wanting to wake up just yet, I covered my head with the pillow I was resting against. Something smelled strange, a good strange. The pillows had a woodsy scent, kind of musky as well. I melted into the pillow blissfully then thought to myself, where am I?

Lifting the pillow off, I stretched my neck and pushed the covers away. These aren't my covers, those aren't my pillows, and this isn't my room.

Standing up carefully, I scanned the room and my eyes met a pair of clothes on the nightstand with a letter.

The letter read, "Ayla, I'm probably going to be downstairs, but I left you some clothes because you ended up sleeping in your own. Come downstairs whenever."

Eyeing the clothes suspiciously, I immediately regret calling him. I could've called Draven or Delaney, but I called him. What was I thinking?

I won't answer that.

My face turned a bright pink and I bit my lip hard, why do I have someone who responds to my questions? Why did someone push me? Speaking of someone pushing me, I still don't know who that was.

You will know soon.

Promising myself that I'd find out, I changed out of my clothes into the grey sweatpants and white shirt, and tightened the pants as much as I could in an attempt to keep them from falling. Walking by the mirror, I stared at my messy hair, and decided to tie it up in a bun. The bun was slightly loose due to the fact that I had no hair pins with me, I sighed, and went back to fix Calvin's bed.

After making it look tidy as it once probably was, I exited the room and went down the stairs.

I peeked around the corner. There was Calvin, sitting on the couch reading from a textbook, studying maybe.

I continued walking and he looked up. "Hey, how'd you sleep?"

I shrugged. I slept incredibly good, but refused to tell him that. "It was fine." I lied.

Sitting near him, he began to speak. "Ayla, can you tell me why you were out in the rain, crying? Not knowing is killing me."

I bit my lip nervously, and reached to play with the ends of my hair but failed seeing as it was tied up. Sighing, I thought over my choice of words and decided.

"I assumed you knew but, I asked my parents about Gunner and we talked," I paused, then corrected myself, "It was more me yelling at them, rather than us talking. But, I ended up throwing a vase near them, and storming out. I didn't want to be around them, so I just left.." I trailed off, not saying that I called him.

They're liars. I bet they weren't planning on telling me about him either. My eyes began to sting and I blinked repeatedly trying to keep the tears away.

I sniffed. Then Calvin said, "I knew."

Looking at him puzzled, I asked "What did you know?"

"I knew about Gunner. He's been my friend for as long as I can remember. He told me about you recently, about a 5 days ago, and I promised to help him with this whole thing."

"So, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known about him?" I asked.

Calvin shrugged, "I guess. He didn't know how to approach you without my help."

A tear ran down my cheek, and I looked away then nodded.

"Ayla, please don't cry." He whispered. I looked back at him and I couldn't help it. Tears began flowing like waterfalls, unstoppable.

"They're messed up, Calvin. So am I. They could of gave me away too, but they didn't. How fair is that?" I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my legs while sobbing.

I hate my parents. For not being there for me, for lying, for taking my brother away. Lastly, for not being there when I was pushed.

I wouldn't have turned out so fucked up, I would of been normal, I wouldn't have mental problems.

Calvin didn't say anything, and I thought he had left until he came by my side and pulled me close. And I let him.

We stayed like that for a while, I don't know how long, but eventually he spoke. "If you need a place to stay, I'm here."

"Thanks Calvin, that means a lot."

"It's no problem." I smiled at that.

"Want to do something a bit more fun?" I asked him, hoping the answer would be yes. I feel better now, but doing something else would help a lot as well.

Looking up at him, he looked down at me and nodded. "Sure. Wanna invite people over or something?"

I shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Calvin picked up his phone and began calling people, so I did the same.

A/N: Damn I haven't updated in over 2 days, what's wrong with me? 😂
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter xx don't forget to comment & vote

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