»Chapter Eight« "Does she even know you exist?"

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"I can explain..." I mumbled, playing with the ends of my hair nervously.

Dammit Calvin. You idiot.

Draven was holding in his laugh, finding this funny.

Calvin began to laugh, and continued laughing. You know those laughs where you're bent over, and struggling to breathe? That's the laugh Calvin was having right now, and must I say, it was quite the sight.

Many were looking confused, others were curious. Calvin should probably explain himself. Resting a hand on his shoulder, he tensed, and stopped laughing shortly.

"You okay?" I whispered to him, his stomach is probably hurting after that.

He replied in a hushed tone, "Yeah, I'm okay. Now I'll fix this." I nodded.

"Don't worry guys," he reassured them, "it was a joke."

Most girls looked relieved that he was still up for grabs, go ahead. Have him. See if I care.

That's when the bell rang, and I nearly ran out of the room, slightly panicking. What if he hadn't explained?

Then you'd be screwed.

I kind of knew that, but thanks. Being the first out in the halls, I realized how empty they were. I was still very tense, and I was struggling to calm myself. God, what's wrong with me?

You're special.

You told me that already, I rolled my eyes. Eventually, I reached my locker, and as I was attempting to grab a book on my top shelf, someone grabbed it for me.

Glancing behind me, it was Draven. I grinned. "Hey Dray! Thanks!"

He smiled, and shrugged. "It's no problem." I put my English binder back in my locker, and looked at my schedule. Study Hall, and then lunch.

Turns out, I'm going to need that binder of mine, so I grabbed it again. And shut my locker, then we began walking to Study Hall. It was a long walk, and eventually I became bored of the silence between us.

"Dray, when you told me you didn't know what to write about me.. That was what you wanted to tell me, right?" I asked him, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah, what else would I have to tell you?" He grinned, that was true, we told each other everything, but I felt as if he wasn't telling me something. I'll dig into it later.

We made it to Study Hall, and sat next to one another, and began working on whatever we had to work on. I figured, why not write some more for my lists?So I did.

Or, I tried to.

I was working on Calvin's, but I couldn't think straight, I was thinking about someone else. Zoning out, I began describing the person.

"He has soft, tan skin, with tinted pink lips. Fair brows, that turn up in the center while he's laughing at some dumb joke, along with bedazzling green eyes that you could get lost in. His cheeks become pink after he's done laughing, or when he's blushing, but that's incredibly rare. He has light brown hair, with a couple pieces being lighter than the others, making them look nearly blonde." I paused, reread the useless paragraph I had just written.

Looking up, checked to see if Draven was looking, and I analyzed him. Tan skin, check. Eyebrows that turn up when he's laughing, check. Green eyes, check. Rosy cheeks and lips, check. Lastly, light brown hair, with blonde strands, check.

My eyes widened, and I quickly flipped my page, hoping no one saw.

Ripping the sheet out of my notebook, I folded it up, and put it to the left of my binder. No one saw, thank goodness.

Now, I need to write some more. Focus.

Sneaking a look at Draven, he was reading a paper.

He looked up from it, "Ayla..?"


"Hey! Wait up." I jogged over to him, "How is she?" I asked, referring to his sister.

He shrugged looking down, and replied, "They won't let me see her, let alone talk to her. Saw her around though, she was hanging around with a boy, and sometimes she's around a girl."

I scoffed. "Does she even know you exist?" I asked.

He glared, "I'm just asking." I told him, trying not to anger him. He muttered, "No.. they signed me up for adoption before they had her."

I felt bad for him, that's awful. "Listen Gunner, we'll get Ayla to find out somehow, without making you look like the bad guy. But we have to be careful about it, and make sure her parents don't find out until after." I explained.

Gunner nodded, and we split ways. I leaned against the building, the school to be specific, and pulled out a cigarette.

Lighting it up, I let it rest between my lips, not actually smoking. Me being me, I didn't smoke, instead I made it look like I did. The reactions are funny, because so many people are against it.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I saw a missed call, and called back, he picked up on the first ring.

"Draven? Yeah, we need to talk."

A/N: LMAO YES! I hope you guys enjoyed reading from two perspectives this chapter. And I have to say, Calvin is pretty interesting. Should I create a character collage? Idk, alsoooo
Who would you like to read more from: Calvin or Draven?
Tell me in the comments ;)

with a sly grin,
blerta xoxo

And She FellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora