»Chapter Fourteen« "Bloody hell. Literally."

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"I'm not feeding you any kind of bullshit, Ayla." He told me. But what do I know?

He could be lying, or telling the truth.

"You know what? I'm leaving. This is too much for me to handle right now," I whispered, then let my hair fall in front to hide my face. I stood up and began walking away.

"Ayla!" He jumped to his feet.

"No Calvin, I'm not mad at you if that's what you're thinking. I simply want to leave." That's when I remembered, I had no ride back, nor did I know the place. I couldn't even leave, this is awful.

"Never mind, I'm staying, but as soon as we walk past that door, we act like this never happened. Got it?" Calvin nodded in response, and we plastered smiles on our faces when we went back in.

"Have fun?" Delaney asked with a grin. Surely she didn't hear what had happened..

I nodded.

"That's great! Also, it's your turn to ask someone," she replied enthusiastically. I'm glad someone's enjoying this.

Looking around the circle after taking a seat, my eyes settled on Draven. Side conversations were going on, so he took a chance and mouthed, "Why are you upset?" Of course he could see through my lies, it's Draven. I tapped the left side of my jaw twice, signalling that I'd tell him later. He understood the message and replied with a single tap on his chin, so I proceeded to ask him, "Draven, truth or dare?"

He rolled his eyes jokingly, then responded, "Truth."

I laughed a little, and thought of a question to ask him. Something he wouldn't answer if I had just asked him, but one he would have to answer. I changed my mind and decided to go for something easy.

"Who's your best friend, or who are your best friends?" I questioned him, adding a wink for more of an effect.

"Easy!" Draven yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You, and Del." He stated proudly. I grinned.

This game is honestly kind of boring, nothing interesting is happening. I hope Draven makes it fun somehow.

"Okay, I don't want to play anymore, so I'll watch. Tristan, take my turn." Now that was definitely not what I expected from Draven. He flashed a toothy smile at me, and I laughed while shaking my head at his move.

Tristan seemed happy to do as ordered. "Alright Jared, truth or dare?"

Jared uttered a sigh. "Dare. Give me something wild," I wonder what Tristan's going to say.

Tristan laughed, well, it was more of a cackle. This guy probably has something up his sleeve. "I dare you to go to the cemetery all alone, shirtless so you'll be cold, and sit on the bench for 10 minutes."

How does he come up with this kind of stuff?

He has a brain too, you know.

Jared pulled off his shirt, revealing faint abs, then asked, "How are you going to watch?"

"FaceTime, I guess." Tristan said and pulled out his phone, then called Jared.

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