»Chapter Six« "Someone's not happy.."

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Author's Note//Should I write some chapters in Calvin's point of view? Or even Draven's? Or both?! I feel as if it would be interesting, yet I'm not sure. What do YOU think? Also, the image above was an extra cover made by RuthXanadu  and I decided to use it to show what Ayla and Calvin look like!//


"Ayla! I'm telling you, he likes you!" Delaney yelled. Rolling my eyes, I shook my head, "No he doesn't. We're just good friends, nothing more, nothing less."

She let out an exasperated sigh. "Why can't you see it?"

"Maybe because, Draven is only my friend, and if he did have feelings for me, he'd tell me because we tell each other everything!" I kept raising my voice, to the point where I was yelling my last words.

Laughing, I realized how stupid this was. "I apologize for yelling, I just don't understand what you mean, and it's frustrating me," I apologized to Delaney.

She laughed in return, "It's cool! But what I mean by it, is he has feelings for you. And you're completely oblivious to the fact that he does, or you're choosing to ignore it."

Tugging on the ends of my hair, I questioned her, "How? Explain, give me proof, I don't know, something that'll help."

She thought for a moment, "Well, whenever you're around he always seem to smile, in fact, you're the reason he smiles. Also, he gave you a key to his house. And, he lets you wear his clothing, he texts you everyday, and he labelled you his best friend. Do you see it now?"

I shrugged and picked up my hairbrush, I began to comb my hair as I thought about it. Draven, liking me? Never.

Never? I'm afraid that's the incorrect answer, Ayla.

I jumped, startled by the voice in my head. I had forgotten about it until now, why did I ask my self a question?

I don't have the answer to that.

"Hey Ayla, you okay?"

I snapped back to reality, and realized Delaney was asking me a question.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm great." I smiled sweetly. She nodded, yet didn't quite believe me, now I have to convince her.

"Del, we have to go to school now. Don't want to be late, right?" I asked her with a grin. Knowing her, she'd be late if her parents allowed it.

She scowled and grabbed her bag. "Yeah, let's go."

Leaving my house, we entered her car, and rode to school.

We reached the parking lot, and exited, heading for the main doors. Delaney and I had Homeroom together, as well as English, after that, we split up for the rest of the day.

I stopped by my locker, and grabbed a couple things, while Delaney did the same. In the corner of my eye, Calvin was talking to a girl, more specifically, Andrea Davidson. I had nothing against her, she was always kind and helpful.

I pretended to look through my bag after shutting my locker, and continued to watch them. Andrea pushed a curl behind her ear, and blushed. What was he saying to her?

Only one way to find out. Ask him, later. Now is a bad time.

The voice reminded me that I had to go to Homeroom with Delaney.

"Delaney! Let's go." I walked to her, and we ran to class.

Homeroom was always shorter than the other classes, by at least 20 minutes. Meaning it wouldn't be long until English, I personally love English, but someone I'd rather not see is there.

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