»Chapter Three« "Destined?"

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RECAP:"It's like a strange pull. I feel like I'm being pulled towards you." I murmured, playing with my fingers.

He nodded and looked off into the distance, "I feel the same, that's another reason as to why I began talking to you."

"Do you know why we're feeling this?" I asked him, I was a bit scared of the answer.

Calvin looked me dead in the eye, "I do. But I don't think you wanna know why."

"Calvin.. I'd like to know why."

He sighed, clearly frustrated, and ran his fingers through his dark locks. "Well," he began, then sat down, "the reason we both feel this pull towards one another, is because we're both mentally fucked up Ayla."

I gave him a look, and he continued, "I was in a coma as well, and when I awoke, the doctors said the same thing to me as they said to you. Something seemed off with my brain, yet I was acting fine. I could be wrong, but then there's another reason. We're special."

My jaw dropped at what he said, I'm not gonna slap him and yell at him for supposedly lying, I'm simply shocked to the point where I have no words for this conversation anymore. But saying we're angels? I'd like an explanation, sir.

"Could you explain what you mean by us being special?" The question was barely heard escaping from my lips, yet he caught it.

"By us being special, I mean we're destined for one another because of the similar situations we went through. I only know all of this, because we can mentally contact someone, who I don't know, but we can ask him questions about this entire thing, and he explains it all to us. It's awfully strange Ayla, go ahead and try it."

I stood there, dumbfounded by everything that he has just said. It was still sinking in, and I kept repeating his words in my mind. How exactly are we destined to be with one another?

You are destined to be with one another because of the similar situations that you both went through. He has never had someone to love him like a soul mate, and neither have you. The fact that you both nearly died, messed something up, and here you are together.

Woah. Calvin was right about the someone that we can contact.

"You can't tell anyone though, I tried, and they thought I was losing my mind." He frowned while telling me.

"It works!" I exclaimed. He nodded and stood up. "I know, I'm telling you the truth!"

I was so surprised, I didn't know what to do. For some odd reason, I felt happy. But on the other hand, I was meant to be with Calvin Ryde. And I actually like him. This is like some fantasy that had come to life.

It was silent for a couple seconds, so I put my crutches down, then I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him close for a hug. Calvin froze, then responded by squeezing me tighter.

I felt sparks and my skin felt weird and tingly wherever we were touching, it was surreal, unlike anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. Calvin pulled away but remained close.

"Ayla, I don't wanna rush things, and ask you to be my girlfriend. So I'll hold back for a little, and instead we can get to know each other better, by going on dates. Sound good?" Calvin asked me with a concerned look.

"It sounds good." I grinned and cupped his face in my hands. He glanced at my my cast-free hand, then at my cast-covered hand, before meeting my eyes again. Leaning in, he leaned in as well, most likely thinking we'll kiss. I continue leaning in, until our lips were just about to touch. Then I turned my head and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I let go of his face, and walked away after grabbing my crutches, while grinning like a madman. That was awesome! I feel like a champ. Hearing him gasp was pleasant, because he actually thought it'd happen. Not saying it won't.. I couldn't contain it anymore, and I let out a breathy laugh that made me sound like I was dying, because it definitely felt like it. Laughing suddenly began to hurt my ribs, I guess my painkillers wore off.

I doubled over in pain as I gasped for air, and Calvin ran up behind as I caught my breath. "Ayla! Are you okay?" He seemed genuinely concerned, it was kinda cute.

"I'm fine, just broke a couple ribs and they're still healing but my pain killers wore off." I explained to him, and he nodded understandingly, we began walking side by side.

Calvin grabbed onto the bars and swung his legs up, so he was sitting on them. He smirked at me from above, so I decided to join him. I attempted to grab onto the bar, but I failed due to my cast. I rolled my eyes and gave up.

"Ayla, I'll help you up." Calvin jumped down and smiled at me. "Uh, it's okay." I replied.

I felt my phone begin to vibrate so I picked up.

"Mom? Oh hey."

"Who are you with?" My mom sounded worried, "I'm just hanging with a friend. It's a boy."

"Is he nice? Can I meet him?" She asked excitedly, I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Yes mom, he's nice. You can't meet him for now. Maybe some other time."

"Okay I got to go honey. Love you."

"Alright, love you too, bye." I ended it.

I told him, "Today was fun and all, but I have to go home. I'll text you later though!"

He nodded understandingly, "I'll text you Ayla."

"And I'll text back, Calvin." We split ways, and I went home. So much had happened in such little time.

This is too good to be true.

It seems perfect.

Nothing is perfect though, and when something is too good to be true, it usually isn't true.

Author's Note//OMG IT GOT WAY TOO INTENSE. I stayed up until 4am, because the more tired I am, the stranger my thoughts are. So this chapter happened. Um. I'm gonna tone down the romance for the rest of it, because it's not meant to be romantic, or at least that's what I keep telling myself. Please vote, comment and follow! <3

And She FellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora