»Chapter Ten« "You're dead to me."

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A/N: I'm slowing my updates down. A new chapter every other day, sorry guys, it's not everyday bro. Also, I'm doing this because my latest chapters aren't getting much attention, and because I'm getting ready for school. When school begins, don't expect too many chapters lmao. don't hate me pleaseeee <3



Walking through the front door, my parents were on the couch, and only my mom seemed nervous. Dad was always good at keeping a straight face, I get it from him. Looking at them now, I see the way they've been aging. Grey strands of hair, creases in their foreheads, slower movements, stop, I began feeling guilty. Guilty because I didn't notice. Guilty because it was mostly my fault. I can't feel guilty now, it's their turn.

Slamming the door shut, I made my way over to them, and pulled out my phone, showing them the contact information about Gunner, mainly pointing to his name. "Gunner Anderson." I raised an eyebrow questioningly, waiting for either to say something.

"Explain." I demanded, but my mom was the first to speak.

In an awful attempt at acting calm, she clasped her hands together and said, "Ayla, we signed him up for adoption before you were born." Tears began leaking out of her eyes.

My dad spoke in a soft tone, "You have no idea how much we've been regretting it."

A part of me felt bad for them, but another part of me didn't care. They did this, all this time I had a brother, and they decided to sign up for adoption? I am not okay with this.

"If you've been regretting it, why didn't you try to get in touch with him?" I sneered.

No response, exactly. I knew it, they're the bad guys.

I feel like my life is a lie.

"Why did you even do what you did?" A small part of me broke, and I was on the verge of tears. I didn't know what I felt, anger or sadness.

"He was a mistake." My so called 'mother' said.

"He told me that too. But the fact that you just said it, without even trying to deny it, is really pissing me off. You guys are horrible parents, what kind of parents do that?" I glared at them.

"We understand that you may be angry with us, but you're in no position to say any of that. We're your parents." My dad scolded me in a stern voice.

"And you're also his parents, but where were you for him?! Nowhere. How do you expect me to treat you like my parents when you don't even act like parents?" I was yelling now, my voice becoming louder and more emotional with each syllable.

Grabbing the nearest thing to me, a vase, I threw it down on the table near them and it shattered.

"You're dead to me."

Walking out of the house, back into the rain, I was nearly soaked after a couple steps. Wearing a t-shirt and shorts was not helping. They clung to me, and it was extremely uncomfortable, it was incredibly cold rain as well. The worst kind of rain.

I continued walking, and I saw the convenience store nearby so I decided to buy something.

Walking in, I grabbed a "Coffee Crisp", and slammed it on the counter.

And She FellUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum