»Chapter Two« "A strange pull."

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Author's Note//I'm loving this already! Don't freak, this isn't gonna be romantic, or very romance related. It's based on mystery. Thank you for clicking this, and please like! Enjoy <3//


I had talked to my parents about it, and they both shared a concerned look. My mother was the first to speak.

"Honey, we understand you might feel stressed, or even be imagining things. Maybe we should've stayed at the hospital a little longer." My mom attempted to reassure me, with a hand on my shoulder, trying to sound understanding.

I let out a frustrated sigh, and said "Never mind. It was a dream I had." Of course they wouldn't understand, you have to think the daughter's crazy. I walked off with my crutches, and entered my bedroom and jumped on my bed face first. That hurt my arm like hell. I winced at the pain, and buried my face into my pillow then let out a scream.

They weren't even there to see if someone pushed me, they were at work. But I'm sure someone did, I felt it dammit. Someone has to believe me, right?

I heard my phone go off, and grabbed it from my nightstand. I read the text, and it was an number I didn't recognize. The text itself read "Hey Ayla, it's me from the hospital, I was standing outside your door." I felt my chest tighten and I told myself to remain calm.

"How do you know my name, why were you watching me, and how did you get my number?" I asked him impatiently. There were so many things going through my mind right now, but I was wracking my brain trying to figure out who he was. I didn't know him, but he knew me. How?!

He replied saying, "Woah that's quite a lot of questions. Don't worry though, I got your number from your Facebook, and I know you from school. We're in the same English class, bet you didn't know that, did ya?" I felt kind of relieved, but at the same time I felt guilty for not noticing him. Then I noticed he didn't reply to all of my questions.

"Well, why were you watching me?" I texted him quickly, he sent a text soon after that read, "Because I had to know if you were okay or not, I was worried about you." Now that part surprised me, I honestly didn't expect that from him.

"Okay. But why are you suddenly texting me?"


He began typing, and said, "Because I want to get to know you, and I didn't want you thinking I was a creep at the hospital." I snorted.

"A bit late for that, you seem like a creep, a friendly creep to be specific." I sent it while laughing. He responded with "Lmao, I'm not."

I smiled, and typed "That's what they all say" and hit send. "Okay Ayla, I'd love to continue this conversation, but I find it hard to tell what you're thinking through text. Would you like to meet up right now?"

Talking to someone that isn't my parent would be nice, so I figured why not? I typed, "Um, not really. I still don't know you, and I don't know what you have planned." Sent.

"C'mon, I swear I won't do anything. I honestly just want to talk." He said.

I don't know him, and he seems a bit creepy. Yet, I felt as if I had to go, like something was pulling me there. I don't know how to explain it, but it felt like, if I didn't go, then something bad would happen.

"Fine, try anything, just know I have people watching me." I lied about the end just to scare him.


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