In New York

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A/N so like I know no one reads my story but that is okay I will continue to write this until the end. I own all characters and the plot of this story please do not steal. Thank you.

Morning came too fast for Len. The headache from last night was making this morning very difficult to say the least. With a tired groan Len worked up the courage to get out of bed and get ready.

After take a couple Advils Len searched for an out fit to wear comfortable enough for her long flight to New York. Not really caring about being fashionable she settled for black leggings and a hoodie. Grabbing her suitcases purse and wallet she meets the movers out side double checking to make sure everything is perfect. With one last glance at her old life Len heads towards the airport.

Landing in New York Len could not contain the smile on her face as she took in the sight before her. There where so many people and the buildings where so tall that she was in awe. As corny as it may be Len could not wait to hail a cab for the first time she imagined it would be just like the movies. With a bright smile she lifted her hand and whistled. And just like that a yellow cabby pulled up beside her.

Len was blessed when it came to wear she lived in New York. Her hard work and savings allowed her to splurge on a nice flat in the upper east side near all the uppity white people, don't get her wrong. Len is not racist it just a fact that in that specific area of New York city there are more white people then anything else. Pulling up to her apartment building Len was met with a old but charming doorman.

"Hello miss, you must be the new tenant, may I help you with your bags?" The doorman said with a wrinkly smile. "Yes please and you don't have to call me miss it makes me sound old call me Len please" Len said with cheerfulness. " will do miss Len" Len pouted for he still used miss when addressing her "may I have your name sir" the door man blinked in confusion but still smiled "my name is Jeff miss Len" Len smiled wide and stuck her hand out for a hand shake " pleasure meeting you Jeff" Jeff smiled at her and shook her hand as well "let's get your bags up to your room miss Len" Len shook her head in agreement and grabbed one of her bags as Jeff grabbed the other.

Walking into her apartment Len was shocked too see all of her boxes already here. Flabbergasted she had Jeff place her bags by the door and thanked him for his help before she got to work unpacking and cleaning up her flat. After placing everything in there correct place she looked around and was more than pleased at what she saw. Len looked out side the window in her room and noticed that it was already dark outside. She did not expect for time to pass quickly while she arranged her home. Falling onto her bed Len closed her eyes happy and nervous for what tomorrow might bring.

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