who is this????

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A/N Bellow my lovelies I have wonderful news I plan to update again next week as welk. Fingers crossed let's hope I get done with my homework on time to do so. Thank you for reading.

              Sitting in a dark room facing the window a man was in deep thought. Oh how he wanted to see that beautiful face again. Flashes of her face and her smile jumbled up his thoughts. He didn't even know her name but yet he new he wanted her.

         He remembers the fist time he saw her. He was crossing the street waiting for his driver to come pic him up when he spored her sitting by the window inside a cafe. The way her eye lit up as she watched the people and cars pass by. He knew he was losing his mind for him to have become this infatuated and he hasn't even spoken to her yet. Dammit the smile the crossed her face when what looked to be her friend arrived and they talked made something deep with in him stir awake.

          When his driver arrived he sat in the back seat of his 2018 Mercedes Benz watching as his little princess talked and ate with her friend.

            As he watched his princess soon to be queen walk sepreat ways from her friend to catch a cab. He instructed his driver to follow. When they pulled up in front of her apartment building he was impressed.  His princess was obviously smart and well taken care of. This brought a smile to his face. Stepping out of the car so he could see if he could info from the front desk about his princess  like maybe her name for instance. Walking through the doors he was created by the door man he was an older man with a kind smile that abliged to return. He told the doorman he need to talk to some one at the information desk. The kind older gentleman told him where it was and wished him a good day.

         Walking over to the front desk he rang the bell waiting patiently for someone to come. An old snooty woman appeared and greeted him. He   faked a smile and told her he was wondering if they had anyone new move in. The woman stared at him blankly then stated there was a nice well mannered young woman that just moved in. He grinned at the d lady and asked if she would tell him her name. The old woman frowned at him and told him in a bland tone that she was not allowed to give out the name of residence in the building. He frowned at her. He had to come up with something fast so he reached for his buissnes card and handed it to the woman and told her to give it to his princess in the morning. The old woman nodded and opened a mail boxed that had the last name Peters and the apartment number written on the front of it as the womb placed the card inside. He smirked in victory. He quickly bid his far well and ran quickly to his a waiting car. His driver followed his instruction and drove him  home. With pep in his step he walked towards his office and contacted one of his men. He sat and told them all the information he had on her and told them to find out everything and anything there is to know about her. He grinned when he cut off the phone turning his seat to look out his window.

     This leads us to wear we are now. He smiled as he thought to himself. His queen will be coming home and no one will stop him.

~~~~Back with Len~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         Gasping for air Len awoke. She could not place the feeling she had but her intuition is telling her something big is coming and she needed to be prepared for it.

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