Work Work Work

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          A/n   okay guys it turns out people have been reading this and it brings me to tears how happy that makes me. But on a serious note I have experimented with the dialog in the chapter if it is not clear enough then please let me know in the comments, also if there spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes let me know as well. Thank you for reading .

               Len awoke to the sound of her alarm in a startle. Groaning she pushed herself up right letting out a big huff as she stretched. Checking the time before she gets up. She jolts up and runs towards the shower as she remembered today was her first day of work. Quickly she washes her face underarms and lady parts making sure she was clean before she ran to her closet trying to find something appropriate to wear. Glancing over her wardrobe Len settles for a black body fitting dress with a red trench coat worn over with red lui's on her feet. Not really in the mood to comb. Her hair she threw it in a messy bun. Len grabbed her phone and keys as she ran out the door.

            Before Len could burst through the lobby door she was stopped by Jeff.

"Good morning miss Len" , "oh good morning Jeff, you will have to excuse me I have to get to work today is my firstday" , "well let me call a cab for you, and I hope have a good day miss Len" "Thank you !! Jeff you are a life savior!, take and have a good day as well"

           As soon as the cab pulled up Len through her body in to the car. After giving the driver directions Len sat back and tried to calm her nerves. Taking deep breaths Len gave her self a pep talk. She knew she was capable of doing this job she was just worried that something wrong would happen and she would loose this opportunity.
             When the cab came to a stop in front of a tall glass building Len bit her lip in anticipation. taking one more deep breath she paid the driver and proceeded into the building. Len gawked at the tall ceiling and the sleek modern design as she walked towards the reception desk.

"Hello how may I help you" the receptionist relayed in a bored tone. "Um mm can you please direct me to the office of Mr. Gorbachev " Len asked shyly. "Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist questioned with a raised brow. "Yes I do My name is Luenaria Peters I am the new PA" . "oh then please go to the top floor on his office door is his name plate" stated the receptionist.
With a smile Len departs towards the elevators.

          Stepping off onto the top floor Len quickly realizes that there are only three offices up here so she walks pass the doors until she spots a door that says " Alexander Gorbachev " in big gold letters.  Len square her shoulders and gives a strong knock to the door. Len waited until she heard a deep come in from inside the room. Determined Len pushes the door open   and is greeted by a warm mahogany smell. Tanking a few seconds to admire the room Len faces the desk that held an aged man sitting hunched over paper work. Not trying to be rude Len clears her throat getting the attention of the elder man.

"Yes, how may I help you miss, I don't think I have met you before." "no worries sir I am Luenaria Peters your new PA" , "Ahh! I remember now ! Welcome !!" "Thank you sir, today I was suppose to report and go over some paper work yes?" , "yes yes come this way I will show you your office"

         Len follows behind Mr. Gorbachev until he led her to a wide room.

"This might not be much but I hope it is to your liking Mrs Peters" , "this is just fine sir thank you" , "you office issued laptop and phone are already set up for you in the bottom of the desk drawer, if you need any thing my email and work phone number is written on a sticky note on the desk" alright sir thank you so much" your welcome Mrs Peters , if you want you can decorate to your liking and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning so take your laptop and phone home you can go over paper work at home, its just miner stuff" ,"are you sure sir I can stay I have nothing else to do", you are fine Mrs Peters go home I will see you tomorrow your work badge should be with your laptop and phone, have a nice day young lady"

            Len could not help the grin that was plastered on her face today was a success. Her new boss seemed nice and she has her own office feeling giddy Len grabbed her laptop cell and badge and walked out her office door.

           Not wanting to go home yet Len makes her wah towards a cafe she seen near her work building.  Being sure not to bump into anyone she made her way across the street to a cafe called Pinky's Sweets on a bright blue sign with glitter. Len looked at it and chuckled at how cute the cafe looked. Standing in line Len looked over the menu and settled on a ham and cheese sandwich and a bottle of water. After Len placed her order she got a seat near the window so she could watch people walk up and down the street. Len was half way through her sandwich when she felt a presence next her. Looking up she was met with the brightest of smiles.

"Hello my name is Tasha I saw you sitting over here alone and I was wondering if I could join you?" ,"um mm......sure go ahead my name is Len". "thank you so much I really did not want to eat by myself", "I can understand that hahaha" "BTW your outfit is sooo cute like let me jump in you closet haha" ," pa-leas you know hood and well you are to small to fit my stuff " "I can always gain weight" " girl you crazy" ,"so are you from here ?" "No I actually just moved here the other day" "omg !! I have yo show you all the best dance clubs", "I am not much of a partier, but we can see " yasssss!!!" "Haha this my first time talking to someone like this","well good cause you are my best friend now and the first thing we shall do as best friends is exchange numbers so hand I've that phone girl","okay okay here" 

            After Len and Tasha exchanged numbers and talked some more they went their separate ways. Len flagged a cab and went home but while she was on her way home she could not shack the feeling that she was being watched. Not wanting to dwell on it any more Len quickly Paid the driver and ran inside. Saying her greetings to Jeff, Len arrived to her door in no time. Laying her things out on her desk she got to work changing her work password and going over the paperwork she needed to sign before she layed down in her bed. Closing her eyes Len smiled as she went to sleep feeling light as a feather.

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