Keep it Movin

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   A/N hi loves sorry for the long wait I was trying to make this chapter long as possible with out me repeating myself over and over again. I hope you enjoy.

Len was pumped for her first day of work. She had been running around her home getting herself ready, throwing clothes all over her closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Len knew she wanted to look sexy yet professional. She also most gave up until she spotted exactly what she was looking for. The dress was a smooth leopard print dress that fell at the knee. 

The dress accentuated her curves in all the right places. Len knew she was bad no one had to tell her cause she felt it when she put on that dress.

Checking the time Len quickly did her hair and makeup completing her first day attire.

Grabbing her purse Len rushed out the door. Jeff greeted her as she bought her cab her smile not leaving her face. The ride to the office was calm there was no major traffic jams and the sun was bright and the sky was clear. Len knew that today was going to be a wonderful day she just new it.

Her office was better than when she first saw it. After she left she received an email from the company's interior designer on what changes she would like made to her office. Len had to admit they did they a wonderful job. Her office was cosy yet chic just right up her aesthetic.

Sitting down in her seat she waited for Mr

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Sitting down in her seat she waited for Mr. Gorbachev to call her. Powering on her new computer Len organized files and emails to pass time until finally Mr. Gorbachev contacted her by the income phone that was set up on her desk.

Len not wanting to waist any time speed walked t Mr. Gorbachev's office. Knocking three time be for enter Len was met with the aged spilling face of her new boss.

"Hello darling", mr. Gorbachev said charmingly. "Hello sir, You called for me??" . "Yes, yes I did. Come sit we must discuss somethings that are in your contract" he said hastily. "Alright.......please elaborate". "In your contract you are not allowed to quit in your first six months with us" he stated. Len looked at him as if he lost his mind. WTH did he mean she could not quit in her first six months in the company???. "Can you explain why that is sir???" . "I am an old man as you can see darling, old men need rest in a months time I will be handing the company over to my nephew and he will take over my place. I need to make sure that when he does everything is set for a smooth transition. That can not be possible if you are not here to help establish him." He said straight forward. "How do you even know that I am the right one for this ????". "Darling I seen the fire in your eyes and I knew I could leave my business in your hands so that you can help my nephew rain over my empire." He stated with a smile.

Len did not know how to react this is a lot to take in but she new that this is what she has been waiting for. She craved for someone to acknowledge her for her intelligence and diligence. Len nodded her head at Mr. Gorbachev excepting the terms. After signing the necessary paper work Len resigned to her office where she contacted and organized meetings with big named business people for the future boss to meet in a months time. Len knew this was going to be a difficult job , but she is up for the task.

It was late and Len knew she needed to get home soon. She packed up her stuff and left the office trying to catch a taxi. After standing out side in the dead of night she finally got a taxi. Quickly she ran to the door to open it was rudely pushed out the way by a man entering her cab. Len took deep breaths and got in the cab as well be for the stranger could upset her more.

The stranger glared at her as she entered the cab. Len mugged him daring him with her eyes to say something out his neck towards her.

~pov change~

She was beautiful the way she walked the way her face scrunched up when she was angry all of it lit a fire in my soul. She was a curvy goddess with smooth chocolate skin. I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on her that she was mine. Even now in the same space as she glares at me daring me to move the wrong way , I want her. It takes every thing in me not reach out and grab her and never let her leave my arms cause I know that it's not the right time. I have to wait . The smell of her drives me crazy the way her breast sit proud and the way her dress tightens and clings to her perfect curves leaves me on edge. As the driver asks us where we are heading I insist that he drops her off first so that I can watch her for just a little while longer. In the end I won our cab sped towards her apartment building. As she exited the cab she reached for her wallet , but I stopped her and vehemently opposed her paying and that I would pay for it because I Stoll her cab in the first place. She huffed and said that I should because of how hard I pushed her. The how time she scowl at me I could only think of kissing that look off her face. I must have started to hard because she said her good byes and scurried inside her building. Oh My sweet Len you can't run from me forever.

When I arrive home I stare at my bed and think of how wonderful it would be if a certain curvy goddess was spread out and tangled in my sheets.

  My dreams are filled with her and so are my awakened thoughts

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My dreams are filled with her and so are my awakened thoughts. Not long will I have her here. Soon my Len I am coming for you.

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