I want it I got it

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A/n I know you are not use to this quick update 😂 but I told y'all I was gonna make an effort. I got your back cause you got mine

Len woke up to the sound of a knock at the door. Getting up and walking towards the door the she yells for who ever on the other side to come in. A stern Man with wrinkles covering his face opened the door and bowed teased her before introducing his self as Jean. Jean placed a covered plate on the beside table and a mug of hot chocolate.  Thank him as walks out the room Len is excited to eat her stomach was growling with anticipation. In covering the plate she  squealed in joy at what she saw. On the plate lied eggs, bacon, grits, as well as toast. She ate everything on the plate . she felt content sipping her hot cocoa while propped up in the massive bed.

Len was minding her business sipping her yummy hot drink while watching Married to medicine when Ale swaggered into the room. He smiles at her while she is to focus on the show to realise he was in her presence. He walks up to her and snatched her mug and hugs the rest of her drink. Len was shocked and angry that he had the nerve to drink her drink. She looked at him and smacked her lips while glaring. Ale just stood there laughing at her pouting face.

"You know that was mine right? Like you better be trying to get me another." She crossed her arms glaring at him.  Darling we both know I can get you more and more if you desire it. Len just rolled her eyes at this man's cockiness. " just get me another cup man don't play with me " , Ale just laughs at her rude response  and bent to kiss her head. I will let you think you can boss me around cause we both know who runs this relationship. He laughed at her some more before turning around and walking towards the door. Right before he stops he tells Len to change into something nice she was going to meet some people.

Len sat on the bed excited and nervous about what was going to happen. She ran towards the closet and found a bark royal blue one strap dress that club to all the curves of her body. She knew she was no size two models but she knew she looked just as good. She matched the dress with some platform red heels and patent leather red bag. She gave her self a basic smoky eye and added some lashes to make her eyes look more dramatic and finished the look with a nice red lip. She did not feel like starting her hair or wearing it down so she parted her hair in the middle and and braided each side and placed the braids into a nice neat bun.

Len walked out of the closet feeling and looking sexy. She was startled when she bumped into a hard surface confused she looked up and saw it was Ale. He was wearing a black suite with a dark Royal blue shirt on underneath. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. He bent down and whispered in her ear. Mi Amore you look so good I don't want you to leave this room but we must. Len looked at him beaming she knew she looked good it just felt great to hear him say it. "Thank you but I think we are wasting time here don't you think ? We should get going. "

Hand in hand Ale and Len walked out of there apartment sized room in to the hallway and proceeded to walk down the spiral stairs case. At the bottom of the stairs waiting for them was at least ten men all varying in sizes and looks. They bored when they got to the bottom of the stairs and said all at once long live the Don and Long live the Donna. Len is not gonna lie she felt like a queen at that moment. And in the same second she realizes that is what she kinda was. She was a queen Ale's queen.

After a brief introduction with the men that she learned was her and Ale's personal body guards. Ale guides her out the front door and to a black bullet proof BMW. The interior was red leather and it smelt heavily of Alex's colon. They both got in and the driver drove off to some unknow location. Len stared out the window watching the scenery pass . Ale looks over to her and grabs her hand in his giving it a squeeze to bring her attention to him. Len looked over in to his eyes and waited for him speak. Ale took this time to place a kiss on her knuckles before opening his mouth. My love I have a surprise for you. I know you will love it and with this I hope you will believe that I am serious about my intentions with you. Intrigued by Ale's statement Len could not help but feel excited for this surprise. Finally the car stops and Ale gets out first before talking his hand and helping Len out the car. Len was confused when she seen the place they where at was a cemetery. She started to inwardly panic. Is this the end for her? She hopes not. They walk down the path until the stop at a tomb  made from Ivory with gold flakes around it. She looks at all " why are we here?" He just smiles and says We are here so I can ask for blessing to marry you. At that moment Len looks at the gold plack placed on top of the tomb and started to cry. In this tomb laid the only woman to love her. She don't know how he knew or how he did it but this man was able to get her grandmothers body and give her the barriel she deserved. Len turned to Ale and flung herself into his arms. She was so thankful and over come with emotion she kissed him she kissed him hard. She may not like him all that much but if he was willing to do this for her he can't be that bad.

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