chapter 3

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Andy's POV.

ugh.... why do I hate him so much? well I don't know or care, I was about to get up but I decided to calm down and be nice.

"hello" I said calmly I guess he understood what I was doing so his teeth, eyes, and nails went back to normal.

"my names andy and these are my friend. that's jinxx" I said pointing to him "that's jake" I said " and that's c-" I was cut off

"CC!!" Ashley said with wide eyes. cc looked up and his mouth dropped. cc basically jumped out of his seat. Ashley stood up. cc gave him a hug burying his head in the crook of Ashley's neck. while Ashley wrapped his arms around cc'c neck and did the same. cc picked him up and spinned him around. me and jake and jinxx and the same look what the fuck was going on. once cc put Ashley down they started kissing. not kissing and peck or something I mean full on making-out!!! once they broke apart I jumped in.

"so you to know each other?" I asked well duh they know each other.

"yea we were best friends growing up till I had to move." cc said never looking away from Ashley.

"so....did you to date?" jake asked

"no, we didn't we were more friends with benefits but we were like a couple we went on dates and stuff held hands kissed.." he trailed off kissing cc again.

I cleared my throat as they broke apart "well...why didn't you tell us cc?!?!" I asked he just shrugged still looking at Ashley. I groaned and turned around the bell rung. and everyone took their seats as the teacher walked in. cc switched seats with jinxx so he could sit beside Ashley. the teacher introduced Ashley to the class and started the lesson. but I couldn't focus because cc and Ashley kept kissing and whispering and passing notes. ugh........if this keeps going m going to lose it.

                                    ~after class lunch time~

at lunch cc begged me to let Ashley sit with us as much as I hate him I agreed. all through lunch them two kissed shared food and stuff. I thought they said the were friends with benefits not soul mates.

                                                     ~after school ~ 

cc offered to drive me and Ashley home but I just want to get away from him. I started walking when I heard someone behind me I turned around and guess who it was.......Ashley fucking Purdy!! I just cant get a break can I.

"are you following me or something?" I asked him

"ha, you wish I live down here thank you" I rolled my eyes and went to my house my mom and dad where home.

"hey, andy how was your day?" my mom asked I didn't tell her I meet Ashley so I just lied and said it was great.

"hey, where is Juliet?" I asked. Juliet was my twin sister but we go to two different buildings at school so I don't see her.

"oh, shes in her room getting ready" my dad said.

"ready for what?" I asked

"oh we are having guest over" my mom said " I invited the new family down the street over" I nodded

"well im going upstairs and get ready I guess." I went upstairs and put on a little more make-up and a new shirt. when I was don't it was almost 7:00.

"honey they family is here" my mom said me and Juliet exited out rooms at the same time. we looked at each other and laughed. we were close and we didn't fight much and when we did we always made up after. we went down stairs.

" oh and this is my daughter Juliet" my mom said to the other woman

"and this is my daughter Hannah" the woman said as a little four year old popped out from behind her. she was so cute.

"oh and this is my son andy" I looked at the woman and smiled, she looked familier....

"and this is my son-" I cut her off

"ASHLEY!!" he turned around and gave me a glare

" yea, this is the Purdy family its so nice to have you" my mom said

" thank you for inviting us" ms.purdy said. we all sat down and started eating and talking. this is going to be a long night!!!!!

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