chapter 10

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Ashley's POV.

everything was dark......

i couldnt see or feel anything, but i slowly started hearing things. everyonce in awhile i hear people talking.

"hey, so how is he?" someone asked. there was shuffling around and then it stopped.

"he is doing good jinxx thanks he should be waking up in a few hours i think." i heard someone answer.

"that's good. would you like me to watch him so you ca go eat?" jinxx asked

"NO!! i want to be the first thing he see's when he wakes up" the other voice said.

"andy, you havnt hunted since ashley's been out that was two weeks ago, your not helping him if you starve yourself" jinxx said.

as if it triggered something in me. i snapped my eye's open and sat up and turned to andy.

"ANDY BERISACK!! IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS UP AND HUNT I WILL KICK YOU ASS INTO THE WOODS DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!" i yelled pointing my finger like a mother does when talking to a child.

both andy and jinxx's eye's were wide and no body moved or said anything. so i got up out of the bag and dragged andy and jinxx to the door of the bedroom and pushed them both out they turned around to protest but i held my hand up stopping hem.

"jinxx make sure he hunts and if he doesnt dont let him come back and andy if you dont we are going to have a problem now go" i said shutting the door.

i let out i heavy sigh and walked back to the bed and laid down. right as i laid down i sat back up realizing......


so i got out of the bed and walked to the door and walked out looking around i was in a house....i really big house. i countinued to look around i saw pictures. most were of all the guys together but some where paintings.

it took me forever to get down stairs because it's like a four story house or somthing. when i got there i saw cc sitting down at the table eatting i walked up behind him and stole his pizza taking a bite.

"hey, what the f-" he stopped once he saw it was me.

he smiled and got up and gave me a big hug.

"'t...breath..." i said

"oh.." then he but me down. "so, i hear your mated to andy.."

"yea" i answered looking down and busted out laughing.

"whats so funny?" i asked looking up.

"oh, well as you know all creatures go through heat and since you and andy are hybrids it's worse on you guys....and since andy is next in line to be our clan/pack's leader it's 10x worse then that......and it's stronger when your matted.....soooo.." he said trailing off.

"sooo what?" i said not catching on

"well... you know....since andy is leader he's dominate..."he said nodding

"yea, soo?" i asked still not getting it. cc sighed and held his head in his hands.


"did andy go hunting?" cc asked i nodded.

"oooo......good luck" he said with a chuckle.

"why?" i asked worried

"well....heat season starts at the next full moon which is in two days and it last for two months and when a hybrid hunts that get more energy" cc said


" oh are so innocent"

"what? just explain!!" ok now im freaking out. cc looked me straight in the eyes as he got up.

"let's just say hope you dont plan on getting ANY sleep for the next two months" he walks off laughing. then stops "also make sure you have alot of pain medicaion"

"wait....why?" i asked

"well.....andy is not the gentleist person in bed......or the smallest" he said but before i could say anything he cut me off. "oh,one last thing"

"what?" i asked

" 10" that's all i gotta say" with that he walked away laughing.

what does that me- ohh.....

my eyes widen with realization.......

the door busted open jinxx and andy walked in. andy walked over to me and pulled me into his lap. he nuzzuled my neck and growled in my ear.

"hey, baby" he said with a low growl.

i looked at him and his eye's were red. then i felt something big and hard poke me in the butt going to die!!!

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