chapter 12

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Ashley's POV.

"Hey guys have seen andy?" i asked looking around.

Everyone shook there heads no. i have been trying to find andy for the past hour last i saw him he was in the basement. i went back down there to check but there was no sign of him. so i decided to go out and look for him. he could not have gone far.....well he could have.

i grab my hoodie, phone, and wallet and head back down stairs.

"guys im going to go look for andy, i should be back in an hour or so" i said.

"alright,and ash dont worry andy will be fine." jake said with a smile.

i nod and walk out the door. i check his parents house and they said they havnt seen him (oh by the way if you havnt notice the house they are staying in is like a group house were they all can go to if they dont want to go home or something) in a while so they dont know. then i went to all his usaual spots. i still couldnt find him so i went to the last place i could think of and that was the woods.

I reached the clearing and looked around i was just about to turn around and head back to the house when something growled i turned around but i didnt see anything. i walked to the center of the clearing, looking and listening. it was weird i stayed there for a few more mintues before i turned back around but this time something was there. standing about ten feet away was a giant black wolf.

the wolf wallked up to me his eyes were a darkish lightish purple it was beautiful. when the wolf got to me it was about up to my chin thats how big it was. this was most likely a dominate wold because of the size. my wolf is in the middle because im a sub but i also have alot of power so im kinda both sub and dom i guess.

i reached out and touched the top of its head his fur was nice and soft. unlike mine his fur was black, mine was white. i always thought since i had black hair that my wolf would be black but i guess not.

i bite my lip think about what andys would look like probubly likeis one. andy said he never wanted to be in wolf form with me until after we finished mating i mean i thought we did since we had sex in the clear and so did he but after talking to our parents we found out you have to be marked first then mate. so thats why andy wont come around me in wolf form because he's scared he will hurt me. i still cant help but wonder what his wolf looks like. when i keep biting my lip the wolf growls.

I sighed, i should be heading back home andy will come back when he's ready as im about to leave. i hear weird nosies from behind. i turned around to see the wolf going crazy. it almost looks like its having a a battle or something likes something attacking it. finally the wolf passes out. i run up to it to see it its alright. i reach to touch its head and his eyes snap open. and he starts trying to bite me. freaking out i get up and start to back up.

Im almost back in the woods the wold never taking its eyes off me. im almost there when the wolf charges at me full speed. i turn and run using my vampire speed, when i thought i lost him i see the wolf appear in front of me. it jumps up on me and starts bitting and scratching. i try to push it off but nothing works.

 With all the energy i have left i push the wolf off and take off runing again not as fast as before, but fast enough i finally make it to the house. when i walk in everyone turns and looks at me. in seconds they are all around me asking if i was ok and what happen. i was just about to tell them when everything went black.

                                            (time lapse 2 hours)

i felt something cold and wet touch my forehead. it felt amazing since i was burning up. i groaned as i flet a sharp pain in my stomach.

"hey guys i thinks hes waking up." someone said

i groaned again and opened my eyes. i blinked a few times to correct my vision. i looked up and saw juilet she must have been the one who was talking.

"guys he's wake" juliet said.

in seconds i saw everyone. everyone but andy.

"what happen?" i asked

"you were attacked by a wolf in the woods" cc said one of his powers is he is able to see what other people have seen all he has to do is touch them. i think its cool.

"Oh why does my stomach hurt so bad" i said sitting up.

"your probubly going into heat it will start getting worse after the full moon."jake answered

i nodded i new what heat was, only girls and subs get it. to sum it up your really horny in alot of pain and only the hands of someone else can help you you know release. i groaned and fell back on the bed.

"thats probubly why the wolf attacked him" jinxx said.

well thats good to know i wish someone had told me sooner.

"that must be why he smells different" ella said

"im right here you know i can hear you" i said

"lets just hope andy gets back soo, he can....take care of him" juliet said wiggling her eyebrows and walking out of the room.everyone was smirking as they left. oh my god those prevs..

i looked at the clock it was 5:00am. tonight would be the full moon and i have no idea where andy is i hope he is ok.....where every he is

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