chapter 11

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Ashley's pov.

It's been three days since i woke up and the full moon is tomorrow and im starting to understand what cc was talking about. all of them have been acting weird, like juliet is always over and the guys will look at her like she is something to eat. lauren( cc's sister) is over to and always around jake, while juliet is with jinxx and sammi(jinxx sister) and ella(jake sister) does whatever cc ask them to do. i think they both like them. i wonder can a person have two mates because if they can cc has both of them.

i walk down stairs before i get to the bottom i look around and make sure andy isnt there. when i see he is no where is sight i let out a breath that i didnt know i was holding. i finish walking down the stairs and i walk to the kichen to fix me something to eat.

YES!!!! i made it into the kitchen with out getting attack. A NEW WORLD RECORD!!! it's not that i dont love andy. i do he is amazing and really sweet but the new moon thing has really affected him. not in a bad way i guess. its just every little thing i do turns him on. like if i bite my lip or blush or something. and he has been trying to get in my pants. but i wont let him not yet i want to wait a little longer maybe next week or something.

"you know thats a bad idea." a voice said. i jumped and turned around to see jinxx leaning against the counter.

"what is?" i asked confused.

"the whole make andy wait for you two to have sex, his innr beast will take control, its getting hard for andy to keep control soon he wont be able to." jinxx explain.

"what do you mean he wont be able to?" i asked

"the full moon gives our innr beast more power they get stronger. and our human part gets weaker and figting our innr beast makes us weaker and weaker. so right now andy getting weak because he is fighting him for control so he wont have sex with you until your ready because the beast wont care when the full moon comes." jinxx says looking me in my eyes.

"how do you know this?" i asked wanting to know more

"i had a friend his names jayy, he found his mate five days before the full moon and slowly his beast started trying to take control jayy kept pushing the beast back because his mate wanted to wait and the full moon came and jayy was too weak to fight, the beast took control had his way with his mate. when jayy woke up his mate was brusied and bleeding. he took his mate to the hospital they said they couldnt fix him and he would die in an hour or so because of the bleeding and internal injurys. later that night he died, jayy was in so much pain because if you lose your mate or they reject you youare in pain and you slowly fade away until you heat finally stops beating and you die from a broken heart." jinxx explain with a sad look in his eyes.

"oh my.." i said. i didnt know how to take that. it must have been terrible to sit back and watch your friend die from a brokenheart.

"ashley, andy has royal blood so his beast is stronger then jayy's was his mate was lucky yo get a couple hours, but you wont be that lucky you could die on the spot. i dont want that to happen to you so please dont make him wait do it tonight." with that he gave me a hug and a little smile and walked away.

i dont know what to do, i wanted to wait until after the full moon when he was in more control but i dont think i have a choice anymore. i dont know what to do and know its so close to the full moon i dont think he will be able to be gental.

i let out a sigh and take a sip of my water. i can do this. i just need to relax, as long as andy can have enough control tonight i will be ok.......hopefully....

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