chapter 19

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Ashley's POV.

(time lapse 8 weeks and 5 days)

we all decided to offically move into the big house. it was going to be great i hope....

we still haven't told our parents about the baby and i'm already 8 weeks the baby was going to be here soon in about three days.

i got out of bed and went down stairs to find me something to eat and find me beloved mate.

"ANDY!!WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!?!" i yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

i waited about five minutes before i saw him come running down the stairs. by the time he got to me i was in tears.

"what's wrong baby? why are you crying?" he asked rubbing my back.

"im hungry, my back hurts and I CANT SEE MY MOTHERFUCKING FEET!!!" i said bursting in to tears.

my emotions were all over the place. andy cooed and sat me down and held my hand until i calmed down.

after a few minutes i busted into giggles. and raised a brow.

"your so cute" i said poking his nose.

and rolled his eyes and smiled at me and kissed my forhead. when he pulled awy i pouted and crossed my arms.

"what's wrong now?" he asked

i didnt say anything and just pointed to my lips. he smirked and kissed my on the lips a minute later i was up against the wall with andy grinding against me. i moaned wrapping my arms around him and pulling at his hair.

im pretty sure is cc hadn't walked in it would have gone farther.

"hey andy have you seen-whoa" cc said.

me and andy pulled apart. i was blushing like crazy and andy looked like he was about to kill cc. i mean i was upset to but i would get what i want later.

"cc leave" andy said pulling me to him.

"but andy we need you to come check out some stuff,it's important" cc said looking at the ground.

"fine, i'll be there in a  minute" andy said. cc nodded and left.

"sorry baby, i'll be back as soon as i can ...and we will finish this....later" andy said licking the side of my neck.

i would have hit the floor if andy wasn't holding me. the things this man does to me. he will be the death of me.

once andy was gone i went to the kitchen to fix me somthing to eat. i made waffles with whip cream and strawberries. i waddled over to the couch and started eating.

once i finally sat down the baby started kicking my bladder. i groaned, i put my plate on the table and made my way to the bathroom.

i finished up, ready to eat my food. but nearly screamed when i saw someone had eaten my food.

jake's POV.

those were really good waffles. who would just leave them sitting out like that. thats just wrong, but it felt so right when i ate it. yuuuuuummmmmm!!!!!

ashley's POV.

i took a deep breath and just ate a bag of chips.i was tired and walked all the way back up stairs. and went to lay down. as soon as my head hit the pilliow the baby was kicking the hell out of me.

guess i wont be getting any sleep. maybe i should text the girls and see how they are doing. but then i remebered they are at my parents house watching hannah.

all the guys are in the woods talking to the other memebers of the clan/pack/group thing they have well since im in it it's mine to i guess.

which reminds me andy will be becoming the leader of the group in a few weeks. he was really excited and realy nervous at the same time. i would be to if all those people depended on my to take care and lead them in the right direction.

i smiled soon i will have my little baby in my arms. i rubbed my belly. i couldn't wait to meet him or her. me and andy decided to make it a suprise when the baby comes.

i looked at the clock it was about 9:55pm i sighed and laied on my back. as much as i tried the baby wouldn't calm down and i couldn't get any sleep.

all of a sudden the baby stopped, i sighed finally i can get some sleep. but then the baby kicked one good time and a pain shot through my back.

i gasped and then my pants were wet......oh god

the babys coming . and im all alone in the house.

it took me a good minute to get to a sitting postion. i looked everywhere for my phone when i remembered i left it down stairs.

i groaned you have got to be kidding me. i got up and made my way to the door. i have no idea how im going to get down stairs but i refuse to have this baby on this floor. so with all i had in me i made my way down stairs.

im not going to lie it hurt like a motherfucker. i felt like i was going to shit myself kind of hurt. once i was at the bottom of the stairs i was out of breath.

i had to take a minute to catch it before i moved on. i was scared shitless. but i had to remain calm, deep breathes ashley deep breathes.

once i got to the phone i was leaning against the wall. i called andy hopefully he will answer. after the third ring he pick up.

"ashley, i can't talk right now babe. i'm kind of in the middle of something." andy whispered into the phone

'oh, im sorry just that i would tell you im i n labor and all by myself in the house. just so you know sorry again for bothering you" i said i screamed as another sharp pain shot through my body.

"oh my god ashley im on my way just deep breathes and i'll be there as soon as i can." andy said yelling at jake and cc telling then to come on.

i ended the call. deep breathes ashley. everythings going to be alright. i slide down the wall. what if i can't do this? what if im not a good mom.?what if the baby hates me?

no ashley think positive deep breathes. everything is going to be ok andy is on his way everything is going to be ok.......i hope.

_hello guys sorry it's short but i hope you like it. the next chapter will be up real soon. it will most likly be shorter then this one but i don't know.

anyway thank you for all the comments and votes. it means alot to me. like really you guys are the best.

questions: is it a boy or a girl? will andy make it in enough time to watch the birth of his child? what will there parents say once they find out? will ashley ever wear a schoolgirl outfit for andy?

all will be the next chapter.

comment on what you think the babys gender will be and what you think of the chapter see you guys next time bye!!!!_

Love sprung from my only hate(Andley)(BOOK1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora