How Intriguing . . .

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Description: Megatron knows you're unique, and the differences don't just start with your gender. One fateful day, you're called down by your lord and master, and he takes it upon himself to explore said differences.
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Edited: 4/30/18
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"Y/D." The call of your designation was abrupt.

Your primary function aboard the ship was currently doing janitorial duties around the Nemesis. While it wasn't the most exciting job you could've been assigned, you actually preferred it over all of the violence. Fighting wasn't something you really cared for, though you that was what you'd been built for. At that very moment, you were just finishing up the task of mopping one of the various, winding hallways.

"Yes, Shockwave, sir?" You saluted to the scientist, and began nervously clutching the mop with both servos against your chassis. It was rather odd that someone of such high status would even bother to call you by your designation, as most of the other troopers would say it like they would get the Cybonic Plague.

"Lord Megatron has requested your presence," He replied in his stoic, robotic-y voice. Shockwave looked as intimidating as ever, and it was definitely effecting your shy nature.

"May I ask why, sir?" You asked in confusion. You tilted your helm to the side. Nobody ever needed you—not that you weren't okay with it. If you were needed, you'd most likely be going out to battle, only to die insignificantly at the blade of an Autobot.

   This day was already becoming increasingly weird, and the two of you were barely even having a conversation.

"I am unaware of our lord's reasoning, but it would be illogical not to attend." Shockwave explained bluntly. Then, the cyclops walked off to—you assumed—his laboratory. You shrugged your shoulders, wanting to get the whole thing over with, and put the cleaning tools back in their designated closet. Whatever the reason may be, at least you had gotten the job done.
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You arrived at the door of Megatron's berthroom. He hadn't been in his throne room, for there had been a swift change in plans for your rendezvous location. You calmly and politely knocked on it, even though you were incredibly fearful on the inside. You had, to paraphrase a human saying "butterflies in your tank".

"Come in," The warlord commanded in his deep, demanding voice. The door slid open, allowing you to walk in before it suddenly shut behind you. You flinched as it did so.

"You—um, y-you called for me, Lord Megatron?" You asked him. Your voice squeaked as you spoke. You felt ashamed and embarrassed as soon as the words left your intake.

  The first thing you noticed upon entering the room was that it was dark—Like, you-can't-see-anything-it-was-so-dark dark. This was puzzling, but of course you didn't ask why, as most 'Cons had to learn not to question higher-ups the hard way.

"Ah, yes, Y/D. Or should I call you N/N?" Megatron asked you. Suddenly, a large servo stroked your sensitive neck cables, causing you to tense up just a little bit. Translation: you froze up like the Predacon in Antarctica.

"W-w-wha-whatever you wish, your lordship." You answered. You bit your derma, and starting to question your life a little. You couldn't see your master's faceplates, but you tensed up a lot more (if that was even possible) when he began to massage your waist. Creepy, you thought. Unfortunately—the realization dawned on you—denying your leader may lead to your immediate doom.

Megatron was finally visible in the pale light that was now shining onto you. The servo on your neck and waist disappeared. Either he was deliberately making you uncomfortable, or, well . . . That was the only reason you could come up with, and it wasn't a very good one to explain how he was behaving.

"May I ask what you're doing, my lord?" You continued to address him properly. Megatron chuckled before disappearing into the darkness of his quarters once again. It sent shivers down your backstruts.

"Exploring . . ." He replied, trailing off. The servo that had been on your waist returned to its position, but it began to venture downwards. His servo squeezed your thigh, and massaged the insides of your legs. His denta nibbled on your neck cables. You gasped and moaned, unable to hold it in any longer.

   "Lord Megatron!" You squeaked, trying (and failing) to hold the noises back. What was he trying to do to you? Whatever it was, he was causing your body to betray you in a way you didn't know was possible!

   "Are you enjoying this N/N? I've been wanting to explore you ever since you were created. Alas, I was kept busy with this war," He explained, his hot breath beating against your neck. "But now look at you! All squeamish and . . . at my mercy." Your legs were apart, trying their best to keep you upright.

   "My . . . mmmmm . . . M-my lord, what if—" you stopped what you were saying for a second to moan again, "—What if somebody walks in on us?" The warlord chuckled and rested his chin on your shoulders. He nuzzled his faceplates into your neck, despite the height difference between the two of you.

   "Oh, I assure you," he spun you around, lifting your pedes off the ground and placing hungry but sweet kisses on your chassis, "nobody will." Abruptly, his comm. unit came to life. A message from somebody (who you could only assume was the annoying second-in-command) was sent though. Megatron growled in response to it, then lifted his face from your neck and placed one last kiss hungrily on your dermas before he walked to the door.

   "Come back tonight. I may . . . require some assistance with cleaning myself," The Decepticon leader hinted at you with a wink. He then left for the control room. You began shaking, and felt you should probably retire to your own berthroom for now before you fainted from shock. Your cooling fans were having a serious work out trying to bring your body back to a cool temperature. You jogged down the hallways to your quarters, all the while hoping nobody else would need you during your recovery period. Besides, you had to look your very best before you revisited Lord Megatron.

   Oh, how very intriguing you were to him.

Waiting For Love ××× The Life Of A FEMALE Trooperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें