Star-Shriek // Pt.1

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Description: Starscream, and a small squadron of seekers, went to scout out an energon signal. And you so happened to be one of those seekers!
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   "Excuse me, Commander Starscream?" You asked with the scanner at your side.

   "What?!" The SIC snapped at you, wipping his head to face you. You jumped back at his ferocity while the other troopers simply watched their commander's usual antics.

   You were a sort of entertainment for them as well, seeing as how you always got in trouble with the silver seeker. Many had befriended you because you took the blame for their shenanigans around the warship. You were a little too pure for this war to them, so it worried the mechs because of how much attention he paid you. The bad kind of attention.

   "The energon signal is the strongest down this tunnel, sir." You stood straight as you handed the scanner out to your superior. Starscream snatched it out of your hand and observed what was shown on the screen.

   "Hmph. Very well, we shall continue down this way!" He made a motion with his servo to keep following him, after returning the device of course. You fell back with the four other seeker mechs that were with you. CH4RL-E patted your back, in between your sensitive wings.

   "You really need to stop getting into trouble with him N/N." The eradicon chuckled. You scoffed at the mech you called Charlie.

   "You think I can help it? Most of the stuff is from me trying to cover you up!" You argued. You rolled your optics playfully as you followed the head seeker.

   "She has a point!" R-0N, or Ron as you called him, laughed. Starscream glared behind him, and the four of you immediately got quieter.

   "I don't know, guys. I think she enjoys the attention." T0MM-E, (Tommy) wiggled his optic ridges as he said it. For them, there was no need to see behind the mask to know what the other was thinking.

"Ew! No, I do not like it! Especially in that way!" You whisper-yelled, earning a quirked optic ridge from the second in command as he turned his face to see you four better. What the heck were any of you insubordinates gossiping about?

"Is there a problem, soldier?" Screamer asked you. You specifically, as if it were your fault in the first place. You gawked at the commander in disbelief for a brief second, luckily though, he couldn't see your reaction from behind your visor.

"N-no, sir! Not at all." You assured him, glaring at the eradicons next to you. They simply shrugged with lazy smirks on their faceplates. Stupid mechs!

"Okay, really?" You said, becoming more agitated by the second. The others attempted to control their laughter so SIC wouldn't have to scold them again.

"We're so sorry N/N." Ron choked out through his giggles. "Really, we are!" You rolled your optics once again, but you didn't stay mad at them. You couldn't!

"'Sides," Charlie pointed out, "we still need to tease her about her cru—" You cut him off with a 'eh-hem'.

"He is not my crush. He is the superior that scolds me for things I had no part in." You told the seekers with your arms crossed. You let out a sigh in annoyance and clutches the scanner with a little more force.

"Here we are." Starscream announced as your group entered the cave. The walls were illuminated by the various energon crystals that littered the cavern walls. They had been hidden for so long by other, heavy mineral deposits that had messed with their equipment. Until now. While it was truly a sight to behold, there was still work to be done.

Oh how unfortunate.
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  Since their was five of you, Screamer made you and him a pair, while your mech friends got to go off and fantasize about what the commander might do to you. He sent them out to go scout for more energon down some tunnels that connected to more caverns.

   The scanner hadn't been working since you had entered the main cavern. You were glad to know the Decepticons already had more of an edge than they'd possessed before over the Autobots concerning fuel.

   The only reason you could think of for the silver seeker bringing you along instead of someone else, was because he wanted to keep an optic on you.  You were known to be a troublemaker on the Nemesis, though you weren't as into causing mischief as your close pals. They caused the problems, you took the blame. That was the cycle. Hopefully, you didn't screw up and do something that would make him hate you more. Not that he didn't despise everyone else enough already!

   "Come along femme, we have a scouting mission to take care of."
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A/N: I dunno. I felt like I should do a second part on this one, so that's what I'm determined to do. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I am very sorry this is coming out hours later than I anticipated. Later!


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