Chapter 14

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"Merlin is just helping Lancelot with the final fastenings, I was just about to leave to meet them at the training grounds would you like to come?" I smiled and she took that as my answer. The halls were quiet until we reached them. Our load voices seemed to bounce off of the walls I bet the entire castle could hear us. We finally got to the area we should be and watched as the knights had their daily training. Today they focused on timing, Arthur shouted numbers and they would move together into different positions of attack. It was so cleanly done.

Lancelot and Merlin joined us, I knew he was nervous they probably both were. "Well you certainly look the part!" Lancelot kept fiddling with his tunic, he looked so uncomfortable. "I don't feel it" was all he muttered. Just as Lancelot had said that Arthur finished the training and Merlin put his hand on his shoulder telling him to go but he wouldn't budge as his uncertainty got the better of him. So, I took the step for him.

"Arthur!" He put his sword down and the two of us waked till we were a few paces apart. "This man was the one who protected me and Merlin against that terrible beast and I believe he would like to talk to you." He huffed. Was he still in a mood with me? "Send him over Row".

I looked bac signalling for him to come over and thankfully he did. "Yes?" Arthur looked carefully at the man before him examining him fully "Lancelot fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria". Arthur took a few paces closer to him "Lance-A-Lot" spelling it out in single words.

"I don't think that's appropriate Arthur." His eyes seemed to stare right through me, what was his issue! "My servant mentioned you, got your seal?" Lancelot bowed down and presented his fake seal to the prince. Arthur then hit him across the face making Lancelot stumble backwards ono the floor. I gasped at the sudden outburst in Arthur.

"Sluggish reactions, on the battlefield you'd be dead by now. Come back when you're ready" he tuned and waked away to his fellow knights. Lancelot got up and held onto his sheathed sword. "I'm ready now Sire". Arthur stopped in his tracks looking back with a smirk on his face "You are, are you?" Lancelot nodded to Arthurs question.

"Fine, you can start by cleaning out the stables!" my mouth dropped in utmost shock how dare he say such a thing! The knights laughed at their prince and I could see Lancelot trying to contain his anger. He looked towards merlin to try and establish what was going on but Merlin had a smile wiped across his face with his thumbs up. Me and Gwen on the other hand were totally disappointed.

I took a walk with Lancelot later in that day and we found a spot to talk about our lives. He told me why he wanted to be a knight so much and how long he had dreamed of it. His parents had died when he was young and since then he wanted to have the strength and ability to fight for good. While we were talking as if he had known Arthur came around the corner noticing Lancelot sharpening his sword with his back facing him.

Arthur threw a broom at him but Lancelot caught it without failing. "Not bad" Lancelot was now on his feet watching the prince extremely carefully. "Would you like me to sweep the guard house again sire?" to hear him say such a thing saddens me, he was meant for much bigger things. "It certainly needs sweeping... first I would like you to kill me". This was his chance to prove himself. "Sire?" Lancelot was so confused he had no idea what Arthur was stating. "C'mon, don't pretend you don't want to" That made me laugh because I'm sure there was a little part of him that wanted to at least teach Arthur a lesson.

"Hell, if I where you I would want to". The two were now in a position to fight one another. I moved to a place where I could see and was out of the way. Lancelot was the first to make a move hitting Arthur with such a force, but he swung one back making his opponent jump back slightly. "C'mon Lancelot you're not beating a carpet." He readjusted the positioning of his hands on the broom stick. They fought for another few seconds before Arthur pushed Lancelot onto a cart load of hay and then trying to finish him off. Thankfully he moved fast enough. Now it was the final part. It was pretty even at first but Arthur managed to hit Lancelot's stomach. "Congratulations, you've just made basic training". With that he walked back the way he came giving me an emotionless gaze.

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