Chapter Four - A little adventure never killed anyone

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"You were really damn lucky that Kaito could pull all the lights off like that." Akito said to me as we walked off the subway. Of course everyone in the gang knew about what had happened between Himuro and I, but no one has said anything in respect towards my position. It isn't against any rules to fall in love with someone who is not in a gang, but if it puts others at risk it becomes a problem. "There was no danger. It was just a regular patrol." I replied subtly, not wanting to go further into this. I have already sworn to myself that I am not going to fall for Himuro. I refuse to put my selfish desires in front of those of my family. "Still, you should be more careful. He might expose you." "I don't think he knows that was me." I snapped, making him shut up once and for all. "Akito watch your mouth." Kaito scolded. Kaito is the nice one who always takes my side. Due to the ages between Akito, Kaito and I; we get along the best. I'm glad I at least have one ally. "We should be more worried about Master Shuugo. He still has not returned from visiting Ira." I nodded my head. I did receive a letter from my older brother. He said that he is sorting some issues out with the head of Ira. Hopefully he will be home soon. I cannot leave the gang without a leader. "Why are we even going to Yosen? If Shuugo - Sama isn't back by the time you are planning to go away on a training camp, you won't be able to go." Akito said, calming his voice. "I know. But I want to at least get the chance to see their team play." Kaito laughed and took my hand as we crossed the street. Akito sighed and took my other hand. We actually look like siblings doing this. . . Even though we don't look remotely alike. "Is this right?" I asked, looking at the school in front of us. "It reads Yosen, it must be." Kaito replied, pulling us all onto the property. We have never been to this part of Japan before. It is not a short subway ride to get here either. "Ignore them." Akito told me, as he glared at the Yosen students who are giving us bad looks. It must look weird for them that three Kaijo students are walking in their territory. Sometimes I think that prestegious schools like this one are so very similar to gangs. I sighed and let the boys hands go, stepping forwards to tap a student on the shoudler. "Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Masako Araki." I asked confidently. "Yeah, she'll be in the gym with the basketball team right now. Do you want me to take you there?" The student said politely. It seems that I picked a good student to ask. "Yes please, if you don't mind." The boy nodded and motioned for us to follow him. Yosen is a very nice school and is proably just as large as Kaijo is. I have heard tremendiously good things about the way it runs. They major in architecture mostly but their sports teams are no joke either.

"It's just down the hall to your right." The boy said, stopping now. "Thanks man." Akito said, punching the guys shoulder before we headed off on our own. "He was nice." I commented. "Yeah. I though its probably because you're a cute girl." Akito replied softly as he opened the gym door. I had to laugh at his comment, that's one of the first nice things he's said to me all day. "Excuse us." Kaito said to no one in particular. The boys on the Yosen team are all running lines right now. The woman I am looking for is watching them from the side of the court. "Ah, Chii-Chin." Murasakibara said, stopping his running. "Hello Mura - Kun." I greeted, motioning for him to continue running. I am not here to ruin their practice. He did as I asked him to, obviouslly sensing something. "Hello." I greeted Masako. "You must be Kaijo's manager yes?" She asked, not taking her eyes off the court. "Yes. My name is Chihiro Kugayama. It is nice to finally see you face to face Araki - San." She took her eyes off the court then, studying me. "Ah, Shuugo's sister." Akito moved quickly then, too fast for me to protest. He pushed me back slightly and held a defensive position in front of me. The shinai that was in Masako's hands was gone now, in Akito's grip. "Akito that is enough." I said, as he was causing a scene. "God do you even listen to our morning meetings?" Kaito asked, putting his hand on Akito's shoudler. "Why should I let this woman go?" Akito growled. "She is not a threat. She was part of a biker gang a long time ago. She may be strong but she does not have a gang background like we do." I chatised to him in a low voice, since the players have stopped running lines to stare at us. I had explained this all to him this morning but as per usual he was probably ignoring me. "Do not worry Akito - San is it? I do not intend to reveal your masters identity." Masako said, holding her hand out for her shinai. He reluctantly gave it back to her and took his position back at my side. "Hey coach. . ." A tall boy with dirty blond hair asked nervously, coming over on behalf of the team to make sure everything was okay. "Yes, Fukui - Kun. Bring everyone over here. I have someone to introduce." She replied smoothly. "I apologize for Akito's behavior." I said, watching the other boy follow orders. "It is fine. I remember being in similar position." She said distantly. Biker gangs are like wannabe gangs, they cause slight disruption although they would be helpless agasinst a real gang. Although, I would not want to tell her that. "What's going on?" A very broad tough looking boy asked. I fliched away from him slightly, not liking his presence. "Ah, Chii - Chan." Himuro said happily, smiling down at me. "You know her?" One of his friends asked. "My name is Chihiro Kugayama. I am Kaijo's manager." I introduced. "My name is Wei Liu, I play small forward." A tall boy with black hair introduced. "I'm Kensuke Fukui, point guard." the blond one from before said. "Kenichi Okamura, captain and power forward." The rough looking one said, he seems polight enough. Perhaps I had judged him too quickly. "It's nice to meet you all. These are my friends, Kaito and Akito." I told them, not bothering with their last names. The boys all nodded thier heads kindly, taking each other in. "So what is the manager from Kaijo doing here?" Wei asked, peering at me curiously. "We have a propsition for Yosen." I replied, flashing him a smile. "What? Really coach?" Fukui asked, looking to Masako for a hint. "Yes, but I do have one condition. Since you are putting us off regular schedual." I raised a brow, what does she want me to do? She swung her shinai around her and held it out. "You want me to beat you at Kendo?" I asked. "No way." Kensuke said immediately. "That's not even possible. You should just back out now while you have your dignity." Kenichi told me, placing a hand on my shoulder. Akito slapped it away and hissed. "You haven't seen what she can do." I placed my hand on Akito's arm and shook my head I don't need him to start a fight. I'm afraid that if he were to start one, he'd probably end up killing someone. "I accept your challenge." I told her, folllowing as she motioned for me to take her lead. I have heard good things about Masako. She is an excellent fighter. However, she will be no match against a gang Leader like me.

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