Tag #5

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Another tag by; MYSTERIA_Silver, Miyuki_Sakurai and ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL

So here's the tag;

So here are the questions by; MYSTERIA_Silver

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So here are the questions by; MYSTERIA_Silver

1. How many languages can you speak or do you know?
I can fluently speak, English and Hindi and I know Korean and a little bit of  French.

2. Three significant personality traits you expect in your significant other?
Hmm, let's see..........
1. Should be humorous
2. Shouldn't keep secrets from me, no matter how embarrassing, complicated, serious, or deadly they are.
3. Should reply to all my messages and calls. (I rarely call or message, so it shouldn't be a problem).

3. What would your ideal first date with your significant other be?
Anything or any place, we both agree on and are comfortable with. Even an outdoor barbecue or a simple picnic would be okay, as long as we both enjoy and have fun. Now don't you dare think dirty!

4. Do you think you'd be a good girlfriend/boyfriend? Why or why not?
In my opinion, I think that my significant other, will be one of the luckiest men on earth, because as long as he loves me back and stays loyal to me, I will do the same and treat him the way I want to be treated by my lover. Plus, I'm very easy to please, non demanding person, and I have a happy-go-lucky personality, so yeah, I definitely won't be an impossible girlfriend.

5. Coolest dream you've ever had that you can remember?
Sadly, no. I've had many cool and awesome dreams, but when I wake up the next day, all I can remember is that it was a cool dream, and nothing else. So yeah, I feel like ripping all of my hair out when that happens. Why? Because each and every other scary, creepy, disturbing, and scaring dream, I can remember in detail, except for all those nice and cool dreams that I wish I remembered instead. So yeah, life sucks, and I'm pretty sure you know that already, though.

6. A nightmare you've recently had?
I killed an adorable dog and buried it under the porch. Worst. Nightmare. Ever. We don't even have a porch, to begin with! And I will not explain it in detail. Just no, okay? NO! I killed my favourite animal, and now I'm scarred for life. End of story. Oh yeah, and I hate my stupid brain as well.

7. Opinions on "love at first sight"?
I guess I kinda do believe in "love at first sight", although I've never been through one myself.

8. Favourite Non-KPop artist?
Adele, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

9. Favorite Non-Korean Drama or TV show?
Once Upon a Time, Friends and Practical Jokers. That's all I can remember for now.

10. One gift you deem COMPULSORY to receive on Valentine's Day from your significant other?
As I mentioned before, I'm a very easy to please and non demanding person, so there isn't a compulsory gift that I'd deem from my significant other on Valentine's Day, because as long as he's there with me on every other day, that's all I need.

Oh my god that was so cringe worthy! I can't believe I just wrote that! Pretend you never read it! Okay? Okay.


So yeah, those were my answers to all the questions by; MYSTERIA_Silver. The 13 questions by me are on the next page. As always, I apologise if you were tagged. Adios!

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