Answers For My Own 13 Qs

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1. Describe yourself using five words.
1. Ambitious
2. Blunt
3. Cheerful
4. Determined
5. Friendly

2. Name five important characteristics that should be included in your ideal type.
1. Should have respect for others, including me.
2. Should be an animal lover.
3. Shouldn't be a homophobe.
4. Shouldn't be stingy.
5. Should show his love for me, without hiding his feelings. (Not, make love for me, GOT IT!)

3. Do you prefer your significant other to be older or younger than you, and how much apart should the age gap between you two be? (Ex; I don't mind him being either younger or older, as long as the age gap is 2 years apart, She should be 5 years younger than me, etc........)
I don't mind him being either, as long as he falls under the following categories;
1) If older than me - the the age gap shouldn't be more than 5 years.
2) If younger than me - the age gap shouldn't be less than 5 years.

Why five? Because my little brother's only six years younger than me, and it would feel awkward af to have a boyfriend who's younger than my little brother.

4. Are you the type of person that sings in the shower? If so, what type of songs do you sing?
Oh, yes! I even sing opera.

5. What colour would you like to dye your hair in?
I'm not a big fan of dying my hair, because my hair tends to get damaged easily, but if I do change my mind later on, I'd have it dyed in a brown ombre. Observe the below pics;

 Observe the below pics;

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Yeah, something like this

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Yeah, something like this.

6. Would you murder a person for food? If not, how far would you go?
Definitely not murder. I can go as far as knocking them out cold.

7. Would you call yourself bright, average or a dumb dumb?
Definitely a dumb dumb.

8. In a scale of 1 to Jin, how would you rate your self esteem?
And on a scale of 1 to Jin? It's definitely a 4.

Yeah, I know, my self esteem is effing low. Why? Cuz I'm a fugly dumb dumb.

9. Have you ever pretended to win an Oscar, in front of the mirror?
Why, of course! I've won more Oscars than Matthew Macconaughey.

10. Would you like to be an idol in your next life? If the answer is 'No', explain why, and if the answer is 'Yes', then explain why, and which title you'd like to have as a band member? (Ex; Leader, Main singer, Main dancer, Main rapper, visual, etc........)
Yes, I'd like to be an idol, so that I can associate other cue idols and celebrities. And I'd like to be the main dancer.

11. If you were granted one wish, what would you with for?
An infinity wishes.

Pretty smart, eh? *winks*

12. If you ever met your favourite celebrity in person, how do you think you'd react?
I'd either faint, start crying, go into a cardiac arrest, or just drop dead on the spot.

13. What are your opinions on "life", and what would you do if life gives you lemons? (Ex; Make lemonade, throw them back at life, pretend you didn't receive any, etc........)
Life is a mother effing b*tch. (Don't take that literally, though).

And what would I do with the lemons? I'd make lemonade and put up a lemonade stand. Might as well make a profit while I'm at it. 😉


So yeah, those were my answers to my own questions, just as I promised.

After reading this, I think I've cleared all your doubts on whether I was really sane or not, am I right? Oh well, this is who I am. Hope you'll accept me for who I am. Well then, bye byeeeeeee 😄

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