Rap Monster Officially Changes His Stage Name

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Hi there my lovelies! After a long, long time, eh? So I'm finally back, but not with a tag, but steaming hot news!

Namjoon Has Officially Changes His Stage Name!!!

He unofficially announced that he was changing his name on September 20 when he was on DJ Ebro's radio show, Beats1.

In a blog post in the official fan cafe of BTS, Rap Monster posted a lengthy post explaining why he wanted to change his name.

"When I was a trainee, I started calling myself Rap Monster because of a song I did.

Then naturally, I just kept saying this was my stage name and it stuck.

After promoting under this name for awhile, I realized my name was really long and the name Rap Monster wasn't representative of the type of music I wanted to do in the future.

Also, as time went by, people referred to me was Rapmon or RM for short.

I have decided to change my name to RM to mark a different period in my artistic path.

I will broaden my scope in my music and work towards a change with this new name, RM."

- RM


Omg, I almost got a heart attack when I first heard the news! Thankfully the change of name wasn't bad, or I really would've gotten a heart attack for sure! Thank you Rapmon! Thank you!

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