Tag #13 : Welcome to ma world! ^ ^

29 7 11

I was tagged by; ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL. (Thanks for the tag, love! 😙)

For the first four facts, I'll be listing all the phobias that I have

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For the first four facts, I'll be listing all the phobias that I have.

1. I have Vehephobia which is "the fear of driving".

2. Galeophobia which is "the fear of sharks".

3. Katsaridaphobia which is "the fear of cockroaches".

4. And Decidophobia which is "the fear of making decisions".

This is why I make other's - most of the time, MYSTERIA_Silver - make decisions for me.

F.Y.I ;

Have fun trying to pronounce the first one! 😆

• Paraskevidekatriaphobia - the fear of Friday the 13th.

Crazy, much?

• Omphalophobia - the fear of belly buttons.

What a phobia phobia to have, huh? LOL 😂😂😂

• Taphophobia - the fear of being buried alive

Oh my! What a reasonable phobia!
(Note the heavy sarcasm).

P.S: I don't have any of the above listed phobias. Thankfully!

5. I have a really good memory, except for when it comes to school related stuff.

6. I believe in love at first sight.

7. I really hate swearing / cussing, and when others swear. And when I see someone pointing their middle finger, although it doesn't necessarily have to be at me, I feel like bending it backwards. Yes, I mean as in BREAKING THE GRIGGIN FINGER!

Call me a psycopath if you want to, but I don't give a shit, cuz I have my reasons.

8. I may seem like a real life Bubbles - yeah, I'm talking about the blue Powerpuff Girl - but I can turn out to be deadly. Piss me off, and I'll cut you!

 Piss me off, and I'll cut you!

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9. I'm so blunt, that you'd feel like choking me to death sometimes. But don't worry, I'm only blunt to people I know that who can handle it.

The following picture reveals my true identity, and my friends can second it.

The following picture reveals my true identity, and my friends can second it

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Okay, maybe that was too extreme
Let's go with this, shall we?

Okay, maybe that was too extremeLet's go with this, shall we?

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There, that's better. ^ ^


0. I hate others seeing me naked, therefore, I hate intimacy. As in the fateful three letter word.

11. I don't mind dating guys that are younger than me, as long as the age gap is 5 or less than 5, because the age gap between me and my little brother is 6 and therefore, if my future boyfriend turns out to be younger than my little brother, things would turn out to be awkward, wouldn't it? So yeah.

12. I'm really sensitive when it comes to emotional stuff, but I mostly cry for things in movies and dramas. You know, like when a character or their beloved pet dies? Yeah, for things like that.

For example; I bawled my eyes out the whole time while watching the K-drama, "Scarlet heart" a.k.a "Moon Lovers" and the movie, "A Dog's Purpose".

13. I'm a very friendly person, and I don't mind listening to others as long as I don't feel like they're trying to control my life. If if someone tries to do so, then I do this.


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So there, 13 facts about myself! Hope you learned something useful as well as some useless stuff about moi. ^ ^

This tag revealed my dark side that you never knew, didn't it? But no need to be afraid, cuz I love my readers.

See you in the next tag!
Bye Byeeeeeee 😙

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