Tag 6#

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I was tagged by; Miyuki_Sakurai (I glady accepted your tag!)

I was tagged by; Miyuki_Sakurai (I glady accepted your tag!)

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Here are the questions by; Miyuki_Sakurai

1. If you were given a choice, would you go back in time or go to the future?
Actually, I have no idea! Maybe I'd go to the future and check out who BTS are gonna marry, and then murder them!

Just kidding! Or am I? *does the evil laugh* Bwahahahahahaaaaa!

2. Do you have your own motto, or quote you live up to?
Oh yas!

"Be like a Pineapple; stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside"

3. If you could, would you like to know how you die, or how many days you have left before you die?
This is down right harsh, woman! Why you doing this to me! WHY???

Okay, I'd like to know how many days I have left before I die, because then I'll be able to spend the time that's left with me, usefully, while making good memories and finishing off my bucket list, so that I won't have any regrets when it's time for me to die.

Oh my god, this is so sad! *starts crying*

4. Red or blue?

5. What would you do if your friend disappeared and you were given a choice to find him/her only if you were told to kill your bias?
R, wait till we meet again at school. 😡

Oh wait a minute, I think I have an idea! I'll have to kill my bias if I look for my lost friend, right? So instead, I'll ask my dad to send some of his people to look for my friend, while I stay home and fangirl over my bias. *beams proudly* I know, I get good ideas sometimes. 😆

6. Right or left?
I chose right, since I'm right handed, and because I get car sick unless I sit on the right side window seat, of any vehicle.

7. When did you last have pizza?

8. Would you like to fly, or to drive?
Definitely to fly, because I'm afraid of driving.

9. When you listened to music, do you listen to the beats first, or the lyrics?
If it's a song that I can't repeat, I listen to both the beats and the lyrics at once. If I can repeat the song, I first listen to the beats, and then I play the song again, and concentrate on the lyrics.

10. If you were given the chance to debut as a KPop artist, would you go solo, or debut as a group? And why?
Without hesitation, I would chose to debut as a group.

Going solo means that I'll have to be alone. I hate being alone! So therefore, I chose to debut as a group, so then I'll have people to keep me company, and never be bored. I don't mind sharing fame and attention. So it won't be a problem for me.

11. If you could swap souls (or bodies) for a day, with whom would you swap?
I'd switch souls with BTS's manager-nim! *screams at the very thought of it*

Why? So then I'll be able to spend one whole day with all seven of BTS! I know, I can be pretty smart sometimes..........

12. Have you ever accidentally talked about a person, without knowing that person was near you all along?
Oh yes!

To MYSTERIA_Silver; Dude, remember that time when we went on talking about that particular girl in our class who almost never came to school? She was sitting right behind us, all along!!!!

13. Do you see dreams in colours or in black and white?
Good question! Aren't you a creative little one? 😊

I see them in colours, all though I'd like to see a dream in black and white. Wonder if it'll feel like watching a movie in the late 1980's?


So there you go, my answers the 13 questions by; Miyuki_Sakurai.

Btw, I had fun answering your questions. They're unique, creative, and original! 😊

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