Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“Mmmm, something smells good mum” I say as I walk through the door into our house.

“Hey honey. I’m just making your favourite, shepherd’s pie” my mother replies as she turns around from cooking to give me a huge smile.

“Thanks mum” I say with a huge grin and go up to give her a hug. “I really need that today. Had a mission today” I slump down on the couch in our living room and turn the television on.

“All went well, I hope” she says coming into the living room to set the dinner down.

“You know it” I say with a smile as I grab a plate to get a slice of my mother’s amazing shepherd’s pie and sit back down on the sofa to continue to watch my television. I love my mother’s shepherd’s pie, it smelled so good when she was cooking it and most importantly is tasted absolutely divine. A small moan escaped my mouth as the cheesy goodness melted in my mouth, along with the vegetables that were added to it, which made it take even better.

I look over to my mum who is watching the television and I smile to myself. Everyone always said that I looked like my mum. I got my hazel eyes and my brown hair and my personality from her. Basically my mum was the older version of me. She showed me pictures of when she was the same age as me and it was unbelievable how much she looked like me at that age. I hope when I am older I will turn out to be like my mum. My mum is my hero since she brought me up all by herself and I know it was not easy for her but she has never complained about it and just gets on with life; she is truly my role model.

My mum is a retired spy and had to retire early because she was pregnant with me. We do not really talk about my father much because I know that it upsets her, but from what my mother has told me, they were both madly in love with each other and that was one of the reasons why my mother had to leave him. She was a spy and being in a relationship like that was dangerous, especially if they were not a spy themselves. She did not think anything of it at first and thought of it as harmless but the more time she was spending with him; the more she was falling for him. She barely managed to keep it a secret that she was a spy, so she had to leave before she accidently let loose that she was one, and raise the baby on her own. So for now she just gets own with her life and accepts that these things happen for a reason. I do feel for her and I am always telling her to go out and find someone for her own but it seems that her heart was made for that one person and that one person only.

As I finish my dinner I put my plate in my kitchen and say to my mother “I think I’ll go out tonight. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure” my mum replies, eyes glued to the screen watching her favourite cooking show. My mum knows that after completing a mission, I like to get out of my geeky disguise and let my hair out once in a while and go out.

I run up the stairs to my bedroom to get ready for a night out. I grab my phone which is lying on my dresser and call up Andy; I like to think of him as my chauffer for the night.

I dial his number in and after a few rings he finally picks up and with a muffled yawn he says “hello”

“Hey, ready to go out tonight?” I say as I rack through my wardrobe to choose what dress to wear. “I was thinking to try that new club out, Queen of Diamonds”

I could hear him groan on the other end. “Come on. It’ll be fun” I pleaded.

“But we just went out last week” he whined.

“So, it’s not every day that I successfully complete a mission now is it?” I retort back, now lifting my shoulder up to my ear to hold the phone whilst I held up a gold shimmering dress to my body while looking in the mirror.

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