Six and a Half

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(Captain Windwing POV)

"Hey, 'Win."

"Heya, 'Meo."

Gosh, I hate my name. With my name, Windwing, I got teased in sailing school that I should ditch sailing and become a pilot. But that doesn't interfere with my dream of sailing a ship.

And now, upon the Swordfish, my dream has finally come true. I, Captain Windwing, at the age of thirty-four, am sailing my first ship to Green Country, and will proceed to sail many more.

All natural lights go out, and I press a button on the control panel. Several dozen strategically-placed lamps burst into orbs of light, illuminating the whole place. It's beautiful. It's like nothing can go wrong.

I proceed on sailing, whistling as I do. I can't believe I'm finally sailing this beautiful ship.

"'Meo, can you take over for a while?" I ask.

My Co-Captain, a handsome young lad named Romeo, nods and takes over steering.

I stare at Romeo in envy. He's barely twenty, and he's been sailing like he owns the whole thing. I, on the other hand, am almost middle-aged and have yet to learn.

"Romeo, aren't the stars beautiful tonight?" I ask, staring wondrously at the sky. I know stars are an everyday occurrence, but I am in great joy today. All is wonder.

Romeo smirks. "'Win, stop it. I hate my name. You're not trying to pull a Romeo and Juliet, right?"

I sigh. "'Meo, I have a wife and two daughters."

The winds are as calm as they can be, and the sea ripples. It's fantastic.


"Yes, Captain?"

"Do you hear voices?"

"What voices?"

Oh. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. But I swear, they sounded so real.

"We have to plan our next move. The Master won't be patient for long. He'll demand answers, and fast," I hear the whisper of a young girl.

"Just there! A girl was talking!" I say.

'Meo quickly looks around. "There's no-one on deck, sir. You must be imagining things."

No, I am quite certain I heard them.

"Relax. We have plenty of time!" replies a boy in a hushed tone.

"No! You have a humanish form, you're okay. I can't hold together mine for much longer. That boy called Coldbloom noted to me once that my eye colour changed. I can't do it!" hisses back the first girl.

I look around once more. Nobody's on deck.

"Oh, come on! You just want an excuse to feed! I'm sorry, but I don't have any of your food!"

The voices are coming from a pile of crates.

I walk over and shout, "Show yourselves!"

Instantly, a bullet fires out, and it hits me in the forehead.

My world spins and I fall to the floor. What happened? This was going to be perfect...

I taste leather, and my vision temporarily blackens. I'm being trod on. Fantastic. Just fantastic.

"Weakling," a male voice says.

The last thing I remember seeing with my blurry eyes is a gold robot thingy making its way towards 'Meo.

The last words I hear before I slip away ring in my ears.

"He says you're an excellent sailor? Hmph. Useless boy. I didn't go to Sailing School, and I can do twice as well as you do. Show what you're worth. Oh wait, you're not worth anything. Pity. Get us to Green Country by tonight, and I'll consider sparing your life."

Hey guys.

Sorry about the short and crappy chapter. I'm currently on vacation, and my mom says that I should use my laptop less and go out more, since it's our holiday. But my laptop is where I type stuff up. What the fuck, mom? I'm fourteen years old, not fourteen months old, for fucks fucking sake!

P.S.: Since she doesn't know about Wattpad, I guess I have no excuse.

P.P.S.: Hope this nightmare will be over soon.

With love from,

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