Chapter One: The First Day of the Job

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Autumn days fall by as fast as the leaves from the trees. The sun rises and sets as if on fast-forward, as if there is some divine hurry to reach the winter. Though the sun is still bright, still brilliant in the sky, it is cool even on the days that lack cloud. Before Evan knew it, the day he started his new job at the local cafe had come.

He set a foot on the concrete steps in front of the cafe. The cold, early morning, autumn breeze brushed his face and sent a shiver down his back. Already, his heart rate was accelerating and his mind began spewing different ideas: What if he messed up on the first day? How embarrassing would that be! In front of all those customers...

With his conscious mind, Evan reiterated positive messages, but it didn't work. Evan felt the panic begin to cluster in his abdomen. Tension grew in his face and limbs, his mind replaying his most embarrassing moments. Evan's breathing became more rapid, more shallow. He looked up at the cafe's door and they seemed so much more large and intimidating. He took a shaky breath, his trembling hand reaching for the door handle, pulling the doors wide open.

The air is thick with the scent of coffee, the warmth welcoming him in. He began walking to the counter, every footfall echoing in the quiet establishment. Evan looked down at the polished hardwood floor, trying to stabilize his breathing before a loud voice called out to him.


Evan's head shot up, meeting eyes with a familiar person who stood past the counter.

"H-Hey Alana!" he called back, doing a half-jog up to the counter. It didn't suprise Evan that Alana was working at the cafe, she was the one encouraging him to try getting a job at the cafe with her. She was wearing a black shirt, along with dark, navy blue jeans. With her outfit, she wore a bright white apron, looking very in-uniform and prepared for the day.

"I asked to switch shifts with a friend so we could work together. I thought it would make you feel a bit more comfortable on your first day!" Alana beamed, smiling brightly.

"Oh! How- How... Thoughtful." Evan laughed nervously.

He walked around the counter, to the back where the employees lounge was located. He hung his brown jacket up on the coat rack, revealing his black t-shirt along with his black pants. Alana followed him to the lounge, holding out an apron, very similar to hers.

"You'll need this~!" she said, kindly handing over the apron.

"T-Thanks.." he trailed off, walking back out to the counter.

On a shelf behind him, different assortments of coffee beans were perfectly lined together, along with various teas and hot chocolate types. Evan began locating all the ingredients and was settling himself in his new surroundings.

Not too long after, a few customers began appearing at the door. Evan felt his heart leap every time the small bell rung when the door had opened, which also meant a customer was there. He didn't know if he was actually ready for this job.

"I'll take the first few customers." Alana offered, "Just get used to your new enviornment and when you're ready, don't hesitate to come up to the cash register!"

Evan nodded slowly as Alana skipped to the cash register, greeting the customers and taking their orders. It went like that for around an hour into his shift. He felt too anxious to go up to the counter and talk to the people, so Alana did most of the work, which made him feel terribly guilty. After a bit of Evan debating with his inner dialouge, he walked up to Alana, "H-Hey! Uhm, I-I can take over for a bit!"

Alana tilted her head, not convinced, "You sure?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah. Most of the customers are already seated anyways.." Evan mumbled, still feeling guilty that Alana was the only one working. He understood she was trying to help him, but he still felt bad.

"Okay..." Alana pursed her lips, still seeming skeptical, walking away from the counter to the lounge.

Evan took an unsteady breath, letting out a shaky sigh.

'Okay Evan, you can do it. You can do it. You can-'

Interrupting his thoughts was the door ringing. Evan's eyes darted towards where the sound came from, and walking in, was a tall man, around his age. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His face was strong and defined, his features were sharp with his pale complexion. He had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious and irritated expression. He began walking towards the counter, hands tucked away in his black sweater's pockets.

Evan could feel his heart begin to race again, his face heating up. Before he even had time to notice, the man was staring at him impatiently, already at the counter. Evan was about to speak, but the man's eyes... His eyes were a brilliant hazel. The smooth green on the edge contrasted beautifully with the amber color in the middle, capturing Evan's attention.

"Uhm. Hello??" the man called out, obviously annoyed, "Aren't you supposed to say like 'May I take your order' or some shit like that??"

"Oh, I- uhm, s-sorry! May I-" Evan began to speak, interrupted shortly after.

"Yeah, yeah, I just want a cappuccino, okay?"

"Y-Yes of course, c-could I ask for a n-name?" Evan anxiously stuttered.


"O-Okay, your order will come shortly, C-Connor!" Evan mumbled, turning away.

'Oh man, I blew it, that was so embarrassing...' he thought

Connor scoffed irritatingly, walking to the other end of the counter, waiting for his drink.

After a few minutes of Evan helplessly making a cappuccino, he walked up to Connor and reached his hand over to him, handing over the cup.

"S-Sorry that took so long!" he apologized.

"Doesn't matter. I need a cap for this. I can't take it around open." he spoke almost demandingly.

"Of c-course, sorry-"

"You don't have to keep apologizing, it doesn't matter." Connor said, looking at Evan, his light, chocolate brown eyes piercing him. Evan could feel his face heat up, "You did nothing wrong, just let it go. It's annoying if you keep saying sorry."

"Y-Yeah, I'm sor-" Evan paused.

Connor scoffed, mumbling under his breath. Evan could barely make out the words he spoke, "Pathetic."

Evan looked away, embarrassed.

"Okay, thanks." Connor snapped sarcastically, snatching the cap out of Evan's clammy hands and walking out of the door in a hurry.

Evan's heart was still beating fast. Although the customer, or Connor, was quite rude to him, a part of Evan's heart felt as if there was a softer side to the cold man. Evan watched as the figure disappeared down the sidewalk.

'I'll figure you out one day.' Evan thought, 'You might seem bad, but I'm sure there's a better side to you. I'm sure of it.'

And so, Evan hoped that him and the stranger would run into each other once more.

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