Chapter Eleven: F o g (Part 1)

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Evan disliked rain but being with Connor in this moment made him love rain. Everything about rain. The whispering hum as sheets of precipitation plummeted to the water-forsaken ground, the often unanticipated flashes of lightning or the rolls of ominous thunder. He now loved it all. Those facts were what truly created, in his opinion, a perfect rainy atmosphere. He looked around the streets, a vast blanket of white fog from the rain hung heavy over the hills. It suffocated every building and every tree in this neighbourhood, swallowing every distant object and vanishing around every corner. It was like you barely see a few meters in front of you since how bad the fog mixed with heavy downpour was.

It was like a shield of water was created around the two as they played around like children, splashing each other, teasing and joking and making unforgettable memories. A perfect day.

"I guess you were..." Connor muttered, sitting on the sidewalk to rest for a bit.

"'I guess you were' what?" Evan asked as he followed, not fully understanding what Connor said.

"I guess you were a good kind of 'something different'."

Evan had a flashback. A rainy night, much like this, was when Connor and him had their first actual conversation. That's the day Connor said "You're something different" and told Evan they would have to wait and see if that was a good or bad thing.

Connor stood up and began walking around the wet pavement. As he walked, Evan walked towards Connor, smiling and following him. Connor looked almost bothered, which obviously concerned Evan.

"I-Is something bothering you..?" Evan asked shyly.

Connor looked at Evan, pausing. Evan could almost hear Connor's mental debate about if he were to talk about what he was thinking about or not.

Connor took both of Evan's hands, looking at him straight in the eyes, leaning in. Evan closed his eyes, leaning in also and pursing his lips... But nothing happened. He reopened his eyes to see Connor still hovering over him, a smug smirk on his face. Oh god Evan thought Connor was going to kiss him-

"S-Stop staring at m-me!" Evan demanded anxiously, "And stop s-smiling! W-Why are you s-smiling?!"

Connor, who was still only an inch from Evan's face, kissed Evan's nose lightly, "Was that what you were expecting?"

"N-No!" He was actually hoping for more than a kiss on the nose, but Evan didn't want to admit it after such an embarrassing moment.

"Maybe you were expecting something more romantic~"

"No!" Evan giggled, jokingly shoving Connor away, "S-Stop making fun of me!"

"Awh, but it's so adorable when you're flustered~" Connor cooed.

Evan turned bright red, looking away,  "Oh my God..." he muttered, but couldn't help but laugh afterwards, Connor was being so silly.

"'S-Stop m-m-m-m-making f-fun of m-me!!!!'" Connor teased, poking Evan's back.

"Shh! Don't talk so loudly," Evan turned towards Connor, laughing, "We are probably driving the neighbours crazy!"

"Well..." Connor quieted down for around 0.2 seconds before walking to the middle of the road and screaming, "HEY, IF YOU HAVE ANY COMPLAINTS, YOU MIGHT AS WELL SHOVE IT BACK UP YOUR IGNORANT--"

Evan ran up to him and started poking, shoving and trying to cover Connor's mouth so he would stop yelling so loudly. Connor stopped before realizing Evan was laughing so hard he had to bend over and try to catch his breath.

Connor stared lovingly at Evan, admiring his cute laugh. The words 'I love you' stuck in his throat. He cleared his throat. He was finally ready to admit his feelings but it happened.

A loud noise and a bright light approaching them shifted Connor's attention; The light shone bravely out into the night only to be swallowed by the pressing darkness and fog. It was as if a spotlighht was put on the two in the middle of the road The sound was like a humming engine and it increased quickly, closer and closer by the second. The loud hum increased at a significant speed. At first, Evan was too distracted by laughing to notice, but he eventually quieted down and before could turn his head to see what was the source of this interruption, he was pushed harshly by Connor, catching a glimpse of his terrified face. Evan tumbled, falling backwards onto the side of the road. He hit the sidewalk, sliding a few inches back, body aching from the hit. All of the sudden, a bad feeling overcame him. Alarmed, Evan tried to get up immediately, wondering why Connor pushed him but all Evan heard was a loud hit and...

A loud screech; car breaks.

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