Chapter Twelve: F o g (Part 2)

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Thank you guys for being so patient and supportive! Oh lord, I'm a mess but while I have time I have come to bring you the a n g s t--

Again, thank you so much!



"O-Oh my god-" Evan spat out, scrambling to his feet.

'What just happened? What just happened? What just happened?' Evan thought.

As Evan stood up and turned around, he stared with wide, horrific eyes. Frightened by what was before him, it matched the driver of the car's expression aswell. Evan took in a sudden intake of breath and stumbled backward, jamming his heel into the sidewalk behind him. Evan's shoulders- His entire body shook in fear and it wasn't until he took another look was when he fully realized what happened.  

Connor was on the road, looking lifeless. Lifeless. His chocolate brown hair was scattered in multiple places, stained with blood; crimson. His eyes were slightly open, and his expression held a sudden sadness. His clothes, the black sweater and jeans, were bloody. His body was slumped over, laying on the cold cement floor. Evan's heart pounded as one question continued to race through his mind: Why did this have to happen? It couldn't be real.

As much as he wanted to, Evan couldn't scream. He wanted to scream like a small child who hadn't gotten what he wanted. The scream was caught in the ominous silence and horror. He was frozen in disbelief. 

Tears streamed down his face like a flowing stream, continuous, before he broke out of his position and raced towards Connor, crying. The sobs wracked against Evan's chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. Evan's warm hand falls softly on to Connor's icy skin. He was cold. So very cold. The little life that had dwelt within him was slowly slipping away. Evan places his hand over top of Connor's chest... The faintest rise and fall, that contained a vague beating heart. Evan's tears splash onto his clothes.

Soon enough, the driver had gotten out of the car, as in shock as Evan was.

"Oh my god." The woman muttered, "Holy shit, oh my god, I'm so sorry-" her voice cracked, as she was about to cry, "I-Is he a-alive? Is he b-breathing?"

In between Evan's sobs, he was able to spit out, "H-He's in r-really b-bad condition. H-He needs to g-go to the h-hospital! He needs an a-ambulance!" he cried.

The woman, still panicking, quickly got her phone out and began dialling 9-1-1. She quickly explained what happened, trying her best not to break out into crying, but was able to contact an ambulance to help Connor.

Evan stuck to Connor's side, trying his best to get himself together but seeing Connor seemingly on the verge of death, there was no way Evan could be happy. Evan couldn't hear the ambulance making it's way to the scene. He could only make out its blurred shape as it raced down the road through his blood shot, puffy, crying eyes. He held Connor's hand and stared as he watched the life drain out of his loved one's eyes. Connor went paler and limp. 

"P-Please, I k-know... I k-know I'm s-so weak, and I a-ask so much f-from you, but please, j-just stay w-with me..." Evan stuttered.

As a pair of strong hands pulled Evan back into the blinding light of the ambulance he still didn't move. Multiple people gathered around Connor and his body was channelled onto a stretcher and into the ambulance along with Evan, side-by-side. The van stank slightly like sulphur and chemicals. It numbed Evan's nose and choked him, as he sat on the crisp white sheets that crinckled beneath him, he clung to them like he would to the lifeless body before him if the doctor's weren't checking in with Connor. The drips and beds rattled as the van sped off to the hospital. Evan shook on the bed, his feet floating across the speckled ambulance floor. His body was illuminated by the flashing lights as they sped down the road. Hurry. Hurry was all Evan was thinking about. They needed to hurry, for Connor.

Soon after, they arrived at the hospital and rushed Connor to the Emergancy Room, but they had to ask Evan to stay out in the halls. That was the most agonizing part for Evan; being unsure about what was happening.

The hospital corridor was stuffy and the air had an undertone of bleach. The walls are magnolia and are scraped in places from the hundreds of trolleys and wheelchairs that have bumped into them. The pictures on the walls were cheap prints of uplifting scenes and above the double doors were large blue plastic signs with the areas of the hospital that lied ahead listed.

Evan sat down on a chair, tapping his foot impatiently, staring at the door where Connor was located in. Different questions raced through his mind. 'What about Connor's family? How would Evan explain? It would be all his fault.' 'What if his mom heard about this? She's a nurse, would she find him and be mad?' 'What if Connor is severly damaged? All Evan's fault. It's all his fault. If Evan didn't exist, this wouldn't have happened.' 'What if Connor doesn't make it?'

All the questions overwhelmed Evan and he just wanted to break into tears...

"I could've saved him. If I had just payed attention to what was happening, this wouldn't have happened. I should've been the one to save Connor. I should've been the one to get hit! It's all my fault! If I wasn't always so stupid..." Evan sobbed quietly. The feeling hurt. Grief hurt.

Grief. It was an emptiness in Evan's heart, a shear of nothingness that somehow took over and held his soul and threatened to kill his happiness entirely. It gave him this heavy feeling that the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders and there was nothing he could do to get out from under it. It was like this hole in his heart that is the shape of the one he is about to lose and makes him feel the need to wipe away any non-existent tears that Evan wants to form but just can't.

"It's all my fault."


So I have no idea when the next chapter is going to come out so I apologize in advance if it takes me like one-thousand-years to get it done, please just be patient with me!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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