Chapter Six: Pizza!

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After around fifteen minutes of walking together in the park at night, Connor and Evan sat down on a bench and relaxed. Evan looked up once more at the sequin-silver stars, like the scattered embers of a dying fire that winked down at him, illuminating the atramentous sky, before speaking.

"I loved walking here with you, b-but I should probably head home... It's super late." Evan said. He really did want to stay longer, but he needed to get home. He hasn't even had dinner yet, he felt like he was starving.

"Oh, of course!" Connor said, standing up, holding out a hand to help Evan. Evan took Connor's hand, getting up beside the tall figure, "I'll walk you back."

"No! You don't-!" Evan started.

"Hey, no matter what you say, I'm doing it anyways. I'm just looking out for you, hoping you get home safe, you know? Will you let me do just that?" Connor asked, crossing his arms.

"F-Fine." Evan mumbled.

"Thank you~" Connor smiled in satisfaction, walking with Evan back to his house.

Together they walked down the sidewalks smooth grey stones, enjoy the quiet setting the world offered them. Approaching Evan's street, Evan decided to break the silence.

"I wanted to- uhm- thank you..." Evan spoke quietly.

"Thank me for what?" Connor asked, almost surprised by Evan's statement.

"For helping me calm down before, and find my keys.. and for taking me on a really nice walk!" Evan exclaimed nervously, stopping in his tracks and turning to Connor, "N-No one's ever been so nice to me! I-I've never had anyone treat me like this!"

Connor also stopped walking and smiled, which caught Evan's heart once more. The way Connor's lips lifted upward. The way his teeth are perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gives. His smile was ray of sunshine, and Evan was sunburnt.

"No need to thank me, I ju-" Connor started before Evan interrupted.

"No! There's every reason to thank you!" he blurted.

Connor's eyes widened. He looked astonished, his smile dropping.

"I-I-I-" Evan stuttered, "I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted, that was s-so rude of me!"

Connor shook his head, his bright smile coming back, "It's not that, I just... didn't know you were capable of interrupting people." he laughed.

Evan playfully shoved Connor's shoulder, "You looked so serious! It got me so scared!" 

Connor shrugged nonchalantly, still smiling while carding a hand through his hair. They began to walk again, soon reaching Evan's home, with his keys this time. Evan searched his pockets, happily pulling out the previously lost, but now found keys, and unlocking his door. He entered the small home, spotting the money his mom had left him for dinner on the counter.

"Well," Connor said, still standing outside of the house, "I should... Probably go home too." 

He didn't sound too happy about going home. Evan turned around to Connor, his expression comfirming what Evan thought.

"Well, uhm- if you'd like, my mom left some money for me to order pizza..." Evan said in an iffy tone, "If you haven't eaten dinner, and only if you'd like to, you could stay over for a bit longer and join me? Like, I'm not forcing you to eat with me, youcangohomeifyou'dlike,it'stotallyyourchoiceofcourse-"

"Sure, pizza sounds good." Connor laughed, entering the house, closing and locking the door behind him. He took his shoes off, following Evan to the kitchen.

Evan hesitantly picked up the home phone. He had the number of the pizza delivery place on a sticky note, stuck on the fridge. He took the sticky note, dwelling too long on what could go wrong when he calls.

"Do you... Do you want me to call instead?" Connor offered, "I can if you'd like."

Evan nodded slowly, handing over the phone and sticky note to Connor. Connor quickly dialled in the numbers, holding the phone to his ear, his other hand on his hip. Evan couldn't help but giggle at how sassy Connor looked. 

"Yeah, hey I want a..." Connor paused, taking the phone off his ear and holding it to his chest, looking at Evan, "How does pepperoni sound?"

"Y-Yeah sure!" Evan nodded happily.

"Pepperoni pizza." Connor said, bringing the phone back up to his ear.


"Did I fucking say I wanted any other toppings?" Connor snapped.

Evan's face was shocked at Connor's attitude. He looked at Connor with disapproval, poking his stomach angrily (which turned out to be a very light and soft poke).

Connor giggled before holding the phone to his chest again, "Do you want any drinks?"

Evan paused, speculating on what drink to choose, "What about iced tea, does that sound good? Are you okay with that?" he asked.

"For sure." Connor brought the phone back up, "Yeah and I want iced tea."

After sorting minor complications like the address, how they wanted it delivered and all, they ordered their pizza, and after fifteen minutes it was delivered, freshly made.

They sat together at the dinner table, eating their pepperoni pizza and drinking iced tea. They chatted for a bit, the quality time they spent alone together made Evan happy. Specifically since he was spending all this time with Connor. 

"I think I owe you an apology." Connor said.

"For what? There's nothing to apologize for." Evan laughed lightly.

"How I acted with you before. I was really rude, I just assumed that everyone wanted to fight me, I never thought you were trying to be friends with me," he said, "Life at home is kind of a mess and I just took my anger out on you, and I'm sorry..." Connor muttered.

Evan laid a hand on Connor's shoulder, smiling reassuringly, "It's fine, really. If things at home are tough, you can stop by at my house at any time! Unless you're uncomfortable coming here, Icantotallyunderstandthat,soyoudonthavetocomehere,intheendit'sallyourchoice,I'mjustofferingmysupport-"

Connor laughed, "Thank you." he spoke softly.

Shortly after they ate all their food, Connor had to depart. Evan waved at Connor as he went out through the door, telling him to be safe and to take care, and soon, he disappeared into the night.

Evan closed the door, sighing happily. He reflected on all the different events, and highlights of their evening. He walked up the stairs to his room, closing the door behind him, lying down on his bed. He felt overjoyed, like it was a dream. Everything he ever wished for became true, and Evan couldn't wait to see Connor again.

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