Chapter Two: Common Routine

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Evan's job ran more smoothly for the next couple of weeks as he got used to his enviornment. He had memorized most of the drinks the cafe had to offer: from decaf coffee to oolong tea, it was imprinted perfectly in Evan's mind. And so was Connor. Connor would come to the cafe late in the morning, and Evan memorized his daily vists too. He was still truly fascinated by him, no matter how rude Connor was.

Evan stared intently at the door, waiting for Connor to walk in at any moment. It was 10:30am, Friday morning, which meant Connor would be passing by for a cappuccino to take with him, where ever he was going. Evan was close to dozing off in the midst of his shift before-


Evan looked at the door and smiled happily. As he was expecting, Connor.

Evan felt his heart. He could feel his heart beat... every single pound in his chest. This great pounding, this great pressure; every beat. It remained when he stood awkwardly, trying to find a natural pose to be in as Connor approached. Every beat was a turbulent push from within, pushing within his chest. Evan can feel it still, beating, pulsing, thumping. He tried his breathing exercises, but it didn't work; why won't it stop? It wasn't him panicking, no... It was something different. Not fear, not anxiousness. Something different.

"Wow, no matter how many times I come here, you still suck ass at your job, huh?" a voice mocked.

Evan looked up to a familiar pair of beautiful hazel eyes. Connor!

"O-Oh! H-How long have you been w-waiting?" Evan asked embarrassingly.

"Well, let's see. You saw me enter the cafe and you were staring out in space for around one-billion light years, and I'm still waiting to take my orders and you're just delaying it with useless questions." Connor looked at Evan, dissatisfied.

"Ah-ha-ha..!" Evan nervously laughed. He couldn't tell if Connor was joking or being plain rude.

"Look I just want a ca-"

"C-Cappuccino!" Evan interrupted.

"Wow! At least you can do something right!" Connor exclaimed sarcastically

"Mhhm..." Evan hummed as Connor placed the right amount of change on the counter, looking surprised at Evan.

Evan quickly made Connor's cappuccino, bringing it to him with a cap.

"H-Here!" Evan stuttered, handing the drink.

"Thanks," Connor said as he leaned in closely towards Evan. All of Connor's facial features became more detailed, his face only a few inches away from Evan. He stared intently at Evan. Evan could feel the heat rise throughout his face, blush seared through his cheeks and for a minute he thought his face was on fire. Evan suddenly felt more awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide his rosy features by looking away. "Evan." Connor said slowly, making solid eye-contact before moving away.

Evan felt all his tense muscles relax, letting out a loud sigh. He looked down, realizing Connor was looking at the name tag placed on his apron.

"Y-Yeah no problem!" Evan called as Connor walked out the door.

Shortly after, Alana approached Evan, "Why are you so nice to that guy?" she asked, "He's always, pardon my language, but a dick to you." which was followed by her mumbling 'Oh god, I sound like Jared-'.

"Well, I think t-there's more to him, and he just needs someone to talk to!" Evan explained.

"Hm... Maybe, but he still has no right to talk to you like that."

"Yeah, but every day, I can tell he's just a bit nicer to me!"

Alana stared at Evan, not convinced one bit. The conversation was soon followed by a quiet beep. Alana reached into her pocket, retrieving her phone. She let out a disappointed sigh.

"Something wrong?" Evan asked.

"Ugh, Jared's sick 'cause apparently he tried eating a soap bar, again." Alana placed a hand on her forehead, sighing once more.

"Again?" Evan chuckled dryly.

"Yeah, and I got a shift in the evening but he needs me to help him or whatever." she rolled her eyes, visibly irritated.

"W-Well, I could take over if you'd like!" Evan quickly said, almost instantly regretting it.

"You sure?"

"Y-Yes, of course!"

Spoiler Alert: He was not sure-

"Well, thanks Evan! It means a lot to me!" Alana smiled warmly.

Evan smiled back, awkwardly.

Oh boy, was this going to be interesting!

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