Chapter 1

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I walked down the road from the gym, I had just played a three on three basketball game with a few friends and I was totally dead. Even in the cold of autumn I had to wipe the sweat from my face.

I smiled, it had been fun. They had crushed Tim, Paul and Frederick into the ground. They never stood a chance... I casually waltz down the road towards my house. Well, My parents house to be exact.   I see my mom in the kitchen through the window, no doubt cooking something delicious. Man, today was awesome! I was especially in a good mood since I passed my drivers test yesterday morning. He finally had his learners.

Only downside of that is whenever I drove by one of his friends, I would always hear; "Take the 'L' Finn!" But I knew they were just joking. I opened the door and walked in, making sure to put his shoes and coat away.

"I'm home!" I called, slamming the door shut behind me to keep the warm air inside,

"Hi baby! How was basketball?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"It was great! We crushed Tim, Paul and Freddy in a three on three!"

"Was anyone hurt?"

"Fred got a bloody nose but besides that it was fine."

"Do you have any homework?"

"Yeah yeah, I'll get on it don't you worry."

"Ok love you!"

"Love you too!" I call as i run up the stairs to my room.

I shut my door behind me and walk into my room. I sling my backpack off my shoulder and onto the floor, I take out the homework and sit down to start working. As I work the smell of chicken infiltrates my room. Making me work even faster just to get a taste of it. I finish just in time as my mom calls me down for dinner.

I head downstairs and eat dinner with my family. After I headed upstairs and sat on my bed. I pull out my phone, seeing I had some texts from a few friends.

Timtheguy: Hey dude we got to play again some time! That was awesome!

I check my other texts, ignoring that one for now.

Drake12: Can you hang out tomorrow?

I reply saying sure. I read my last text coming from Liam, and my pulse drops. My blood runs cold and chills shake my body.

Liamthe1andonly: Help.

I quickly start replying, seeing he only said it one minute ago.

Finnisfunny: What happened???

Liamthe1andonly: Something is happening to me.

Finnisfunny: What do you mean? TELL ME!

Liamthe1andonly: I DONT *****ING KNOW MAN! I feel pain and other stuff, something is wrong with me. Last thing I know is I had a bad dream and now I'm dying???

Finnisfunny: Call an ambulance then!


Finnisfunny: Well they might know whats going on.

Liamthe1andonly: Ill see you tomorrow, I hope nothing is wrong with me. I can't miss the champion ship hockey game tomorrow.


Liamthe1andonly: Its getting better...- I gotta go. talk tomorrow morning.

Finnisfunny: Fine, but tell me everything.

Liamthe1andonly: Deal. See you tomorrow.

Finnisfunny: See ya.

I mentally curse Liam for his stubbornness. And what did he mean by having a bad dream? What could this mean? I lie in bed for a while contemplating this as I played angry birds.  I yawned and eventually got tired enough to turn off the light and get in bed. 

Despite being tired. I couldn't fall asleep. Something about what Liam had said or what had happened to him for some reason really worried me. Of course he could just be pranking me, which had happened before when he had said he lost a leg in a car accident. He could be fooling me again.

But something about what had happened was gnawing at my nerves. It didn't just annoy me or made me anxious. I was down right scared. Because if it was real- why couldn't it happen to me as well?

With this thought I fell asleep, without realizing that I had been right to worry and fret. 

And that I would remember that night as the last normal night of my life.

A/N Sorry this was so short the chapters will get longer soon!

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