Chapter 3

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I sat eating my cheerios in a bad mood. The dream unsettled me, usually I could easily get over them, but that one felt real. Not to mention that my knee still throbbed from when I jumped from the window. As if I really did do it. My mom and dad were already out for work and Jen was getting ready to walk to her elementary that was a few blocks away. I smiled a small bit. At least I didn't have school today because of the teacher meetings, that was a plus side. 

Then I remembered. Liam had said he had a bad dream, and suddenly he felt a lot of pain... Did I just have that dream too? 

I shuddered at the thought and grabbed my phone, pocket knife and a kitkat and shoved it into my backpack that had no use at the moment. I grab my coat and go outside, I walk down the familiar roads towards Liams house. It wasn't too far, plus I've walked it so many time. I was best friends with Liam, when people thought of Liam; they thought of me, and vice-versa.

Despite my way coat, shivers were sent down my spine and the wind seemed to get into every nook and cranny. I felt like I would freeze and nothing mattered anymore. I was going numb. I was scared. I didn't know what I would find out from Liam. I turned onto his street, he wasn't far now. Gathering my courage I walked the final hundred meters and walked up his driveway.

I knocked on the door, the loud banging the sole sound I could hear in the cold empty neighbourhood. The door opens and there stands Liam.

I jump up, "What's wrong? What happened to you?"

He stood there awkwardly, "Come in."

I followed him towards his room, he ignored my torrent of questions and defiantly remained quite. When we got there he shut the door and locked it.

"Something happened to me Finn."

"I know, are you in pain still or...?"

"No, the pain didn't last long at all, its what happened when the pain ended. Finn I can't believe this is actually Real."

"What?! What is?"

"Finn, like in the movies and stories. I have magic! Like superpowers! You know how my family thinks that stuff is nonsense so I couldn't talk to them about it but please believe me."

I know he's not lying. It wasn't just his tone of voice or the tears in his eyes, even though i've seen him lie like this before. There was just an air around him that was... strange.

"Show me, you I can't believe without proof."

He looked around nervously, as if there were people hiding and watching. When he was sure no one was looking but me, he held out his palm. I waited, and nothing happened.

"Oh wait!" He called out, obviously forgetting something.

He spat in his hand, "Dude thats gross!" I said but then to my amazement. The magic happened.

The spit/water levitated from his hand, swirling in circles and forming into a ball then breaking, it shouldn't have been possible. No movie could re-create what was happening in front of him. Magic, Arcane magic.

"Holy..." I whisper. The spit fell down onto his hand and he wiped it off on his pants.

"I know, last thing I knew was I had a bad dream with some guy, then I feel pain all over my body then this."

My heart stops. I can't breath. "What sort of dream."

Liam became a bit awkward. "There was this guy, he called me outside and when I saw him I ran back inside. He kept saying 'you are mine'. Then when he finally caught me I started falling and then when I hit the ground wherever I was- I woke up and it was morning. Then that night I felt the pain... I wake up and this...." He was out of words.

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