Chapter 7

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 I got out of the hospital the next day, despite me having no problems at all, they wanted to keep me in just in case. I took a deep breath and exhaled the fresh, morning air, and prepared to go to school.

I knew I hadn't missed much, there weren't any tests going on, or projects due. So if anything started I wouldn't be too far behind. While in the hospital, I was bored out of my mind. Besides the small tv, there was nothing to watch or do. They did let me walk around a bit, and talk to my parents when they were around and not working, but they wanted me to stay in bed. Just in case something happened.

I walked out my door as I yelled bye to my parents. The cold morning air was held at bay by my warm sweatshirt, and toque. I didn't usually wear pants, but the weather had called for it today. I brandished my green backpack and started my walk towards school, planning to stop by Liam's house on the way.

We had first block together anyways, so I figured I would meet up with him early to see how he was doing. There would be some things that shouldn't be discussed at school with other people around.

I walked the five minutes and got to his place just as he was leaving. I called out to him when he didn't notice me right away. He turned around and saw me, relief flooding his face.

"My god are you ok!? What happened!" He yelled rushing over.

"I'm fine," I told him, which was true. Nothing hurt and there was no indication it would happen again. "I still don't know what really happened. It was almost like I had the passing twice."

He winced, knowing just how painful it was. "Well, do you think it's going to happen again?" He asked me, for all we know it could very well happen to him again as well.

"I... I don't know." I replied. We started our walk to school, avoiding the subject all together when we met up with Drake on the way and talked about some of our other friends. It was a bit of relief to be honest; I sort of forgot what it was like to be normal. If I could be normal again.

I made my way up the stairs into the school where Liam and I left Drake and went to our first class. Besides the friendly wave or someone asking me why I wasn't at school for the past few days.

For the first time, I felt... different. Almost like I was separated from the others, that if someone looked at the crowd of kids their eyes would automatically light up on me. I knew it wasn't true, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was onto Liam and I.

Nothing was even wrong with me yet, if anything I bet Liam felt the same way or worse. But I wasn't out of the clear yet; anything could happen, if it hasn't already.

The bell rang, distracting me from my thoughts. I sat there blankly, ignoring the daily announcements and the teachers lame attempts at making everyone quiet down. First class was a blur. Well, most of the day was, besides talking with friends at lunch, and doing work in class, nothing really happened.

I don't know why, but I just felt like something was going on, like someone was on to me and Liam. And I didn't know how to shake that feeling.

Six hours later the final bell rang, the sharp ring signalling the end of the school day. I got up grabbing my half empty bag, and walked out the door in a daze. Following the crowd like I was a scuba diver following a school of fish.

In an attempt to find Liam I pulled out my old phone and tried to call him, but the dumb thing was already out of battery. I had tried to convince my parents to get me a new one, but apparently they thought I could still manage with a phone made in 2011

It was't like it was ancient, but the battery was damaged so I could hardly make it through a single day without it dying. I hadn't even used it much, it just drained throughout the day and was a royal pain.

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