Chapter 2

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"Huh?" I sit up in my bed. I look out the window, it was still dark out. I check my alarm. It was 3:45


Again the voice. Who would be saying my name in the middle of the night? 

"Finn. Come to me."

The voice was from outside, I could here it from the small crack I left in the window. I sighed, it was probably one of my friends. Some of them like to stay up late and cause trouble. No doubt it was Freddy down there. After egging a house or two and running to me so he can hide. 

I get out of bed and pull on my house coat and open my door silently to not wake up my family, I would have to tell Fred to go away, last time I housed him my mom freaked on me, and I wasn't having that happen again. 

I reach the door and grab my coat from the coat hanger next to it. I pull it on and open the door.

No one was there.

"Hello? Anyone there? Is that you Freddy?"

I step out of the doorway and close it behind me. The sound of the wind and distant cars is all I hear. Quite, and peaceful. I walk out onto the wet lawn, the moisture from the cold night dampening it. My wet feet freeze in the wind. I sigh, who ever it was I would kill in the morning. I go to walk back inside and am opening the door when I notice him. The man in the darkness of the shadows. Standing there, still and unmoving. Nearly invisible in the darkness.

My heart immediately starts pounding in fear. My fists go clammy and I shiver. Pretending I hadn't noticed him, I walk back inside and close the door behind me, making sure to lock it. Was it my imagination? How did he know my name? Is he dangerous? The questions were going to be left un answered.

I quickly run up to my room, not caring about the creaks and squeaks of the floor boards or the bang of me shutting my door. I look out the window of my room, at the spot the man was standing. He wasn't there. I sighed, it was probably my imagination. Or just Freddy playing a prank on me after I had beat him in basketball.

Until I heard the front door open. The loud squeak that I had grown accustomed too living hear filled the house. It was no doubt what had happened. The man was coming inside. It was impossible. It had to be. But it wasn't, even though I knew I had locked the door when I had come inside.

I crouched in the corner of my room, listening to the slow progress of the man as he walked through my house. He started climbing up the stairs. The only rooms up here were my parents and I. Hopefully he would go into theirs and they could take him down. The man was at the top of the stairway. He had stopped, no doubt assessing the two doors.

He chose one. The wrong one.

The door to his parents room squeaked open. The man entered. Then suddenly I couldn't hear anything. There was only silence. Was the man coming to my room? Did he see I wasn't in there? Because it seemed quite apparent the man was after me.

Then my parents started screaming. Any hope of them overpowering the man vanished as I heard the sounds of parents endure pain. Not long after the sounds stopped completely. I wiped a tear from my eye. 

Once again I could hear the mans progress. He exited the room and was about to enter mine when someone from the bottom of the stairs called out. "Mommy? Daddy? Whats wrong why were you yelling?"

My little sister Jennifer. The man started walking down the stairs towards my nine year old sister. I had to do something, I couldn't save my sister but I could save myself. I got up, filled with purpose. Adrenaline ran through my veins giving me strength I didn't know I had. I pulled up my window and looking down at the drop. At least 5 meters. I gulped and jumped, landing on one knee like the super heroes always did. How did they do it without hurting their knees? Cause mine started throbbing immediately.

Ignoring the pain I start sprinting, all I can hear is my sister start to scream. Where would I go? I don't know, I just wanted to get away from my house and that man. Tearing down the street I look back at my house, the man is standing in the open front doorway. Staring.

"You are mine." I hear him say. It rings in my ears despite him obviously not yelling it. Almost as if he were next to me. 

I run towards the woods so I could lose him in there. I burst into the foliage ignoring the scrapes and bruises I would get tomorrow. Jumping over logs and stones.

"You are mine."

I run around a tree and peek back. I don't see him.

"You are mine."

I plug my ears and crawl into a small hole, almost like a giant devote created by a giant golf ball. I curl up inside it.

"You are mine."

I open my eyes. No one is here, did I escape him?

"You are mine."

I turn around in the hole and see him behind me, he reaches out with his hand and grabs my head. Lifting me out of the hole with astounding strength. I can finally get a good look at him. He was middle aged man strong in build. But what shocked me the most was what was in his eyes. It looked like an absurd magic trick as the fire danced around in his eyes. I screamed.

He held me by my hair painfully. Lifting me up so I had to stare into his horrifying eyes.

He whispered. "You are mine, Finn. Mine."

And everything went black, I started falling as if into the void. I fell and fell and fell. I looked down to see that there actually was a floor, and right as I hit it everything went dark once more.

I woke up in a bundle of sweat shaking. I look out the window, the sun was shining. It was 8:09.

It was just a dream after all, but the words he kept saying stuck in my head, he felt a feeling of dread. A gust of autumn wind blew through the crack in my window. With it carried a voice.

"You are mine. You are the star. The star is mine..."

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