Chapter 5

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I stood staring at the abandoned construction site, it was quite a sight. It looked like they were trying to make an apartment building, but they dropped it half-way through, though the reason why wasn't apparent. I would bet money that I would find out soon enough.

The entrance was only part way finished. The cement made the walls strong and durable, but it looked like they hadn't gotten to laying down the wood or roof. I looked up at the six floors, which like I had thought; was missing a roof. I walk up the dusty pathway in the field of tall grass, up to the looming entrance. Liam, who looked a bit edgy held back a tiny bit.

"You coming Liam?" I ask.

"Yeah yeah it's just a bit creepy."

I could tell what he meant by creepy. In the shadows of the clouds, the cement took a dark grey and what wood that was there was already rotting. Leaving it with a haunted house feel, especially with all the dark shadows in corners of rooms that were in view.

I walk in and take out my phone and turn on the light, Liam does the same a few seconds later. The first room was a large lobby, confirming my suspicion that it was a condo or hotel of some sort. I could see partly finished stairwells and mangled pieces of rotting wood on the floor all over.

I kicked a piece of wood in my way as I barged in, kicking dust up into the air. I coughed it out and covered my eyes, god there was a ton of dust.

"Dude what the hell," complained Liam, rubbing his eyes. He hadn't had time to cover them when the storm of dust erupted from the ground.

"Sorry, I'll be more careful."

Liam just grumbled and trudged off to the left to inspect another room. None of the rooms had doors and that just added to the creepiness somehow. Careful not to step on anything else I make my way straight, just looking for anything. It wasn't like they were looking for something in particular, they were just exploring.

I continue further into the building into the room behind the lobby, yet again it was an empty room aside from a few piles of rotting wood and rocks. I realize strangely that there was a door on my right, not that it was a strange door, it was just the first door in the building, almost as if it was hiding something.

I walk up to it try opening it to no avail. It was locked. Then I realize what I was doing. I was trying to open a locked rotting door that was left there in the dust and termites for years. God I was dumb.

I step back and kick as hard as I can, surprisingly, the door didn't budge. As if it had been freshly installed recently. Confused I inspect the door more closely and I realize I was right. The door was new, there was hardly any dust or damage done to the door, aside from my lousy kick. For some reason somebody doesn't want people snooping inside. Maybe something on the other side was even responsible for the abandoning of the site.

I walk away to explore the rest of the building ignoring the door for now, it was probably nothing anyways and I wasn't about to waste time kicking a door like a lunatic in a creepy abandoned construction site.

I walk around and eventually turn my phone light off, because some of the cracked walls let sun rays file through like blades. It helped me feel a bit safer wandering alone in the cold dusty place and I realized splitting up was a terrible idea. In a place like this it could be the perfect place for a horror movie where someone comes and kills us both. The worst part about it is about how I wouldn't be able to have chocolate ever again. That is truly, truly depressing. Oh yeah and dying would suck too.

I come into a separate room that's nearly pitch black. It was one of the newer rooms, not that there was less dust or debris, but less cracks in the walls and less chance of stepping on a nail. I put my flash light on again and turn and look at the wall where it has been ravaged by spray paint. Vandalism, nice.

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