Chapter 9

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 Meanwhile in London UK;

"Did you follow our terms Kieran?" Called out Douglas Dunderave from the other side of the roof. They were on top of the the Regan Riches store, it had been the place that Douglas had chosen for the hostage exchange.

"Yes! I did, now show me my son." I called out, if they were lying and they had already killed him everything would've been for nothing.

Douglas smirked, he had two other men with him, I recognized one as Larry Stalks, but I didn't know the other one. So many good men had left to join them, I didn't blame them of course, the civil war had broken out quickly, it didn't give many people that much time to decide what side to choose. And even if they wanted to come back, wanted to join my side, the others would take it out on their family.

"Of course, of course, but I want to see what we asked for first." Douglas asked, calm and collected. How did he do it? I was sweating in and out of my suit and cloak, not that it was the smartest thing to wear on a hot day.

"Yes yes, here." I pulled out the paper, my name had already signed it. The paper was not just any paper, but a document. It was how people decided who was going to lead the sorcerers. Who would take over the syndicate. I would have ripped the document to shreds if possible, but it was magic bound.

Douglas' eyes lit up as soon as the paper was brought out. He waved to Larry and sent him down the steps nearby. There were two rooftop entrances, thats another reason they probably picked this place. Larry soon returned, pushing someone forward into view. The hostage was lead to Douglas who grabbed him by the neck and held him close.

"How can I tell that it's really him, I want to see his face." I requested with as much authority as I could. Douglas removed the bag from the hostages head, revealing the hostage true identity. "Adrian!" I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes at the sight of my son.

"Dad?.." He called out faintly.

"Now that you two are acquainted, it's time to get this started. So this is how its going to work out, you'll go halfway and drop the paper, don't try to fight us or Adrian dies. Then head back to where you stand now, we'll send over your precious son and then when he get to you, we'll go and retrieve the document. Then we can all be on our merry way." Explained Douglas, not even a hint of worry in his voice.

"Ok." I swallowed, my throat was dry and my forehead was slick with sweat and my palms were clammy. I slowly made my way across the roof, the seconds seemed to take longer, as if I had slowed down time. I knew it was just my head, I wasn't thinking straight. I dropped the document on the ground halfway through and made my way back, walking backwards. I couldn't look away, I wouldn't put it past them to double cross me and attempt to kill me right here and now.

Douglas shoved Adrian forwards, he did a light jog over to me where I hugged him fiercely. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? You're safe now." Tears escaped from my eyes. I looked at Adrian, he was so afraid, I still couldn't believe that they had gone after him just to get at me. He was only thirteen year old.

"Oh Kieran, you've become so predictable." Mused Douglas, he had the document already. "I kept thinking to myself, there was no way the great Kieran of Serkath would topple over this easily. I expected so much more from you." He nodded to the man on his left. "Kill them."

Six men came out of the door a few meters behind us, I shoved Adrian behind me and I back up against the railing. It was a 40 foot drop, there was no way either of us could survive. If only I could fly.

I scowled, "you bastard I should've known you wouldn't let us walk away."

He grinned at last, "It was only a precaution, we weren't sure if you even bring us the right thing, but here it is." He brought his hand to his chin, as if he was thinking. "Lets just say we're tying up loose ends."

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